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Harvest Crews

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    To get back on theme... There were too many years I tried to do too much of it myself and may be why I feel a bit burnt out. Jumping from swather to combine to swather to sprayer and so on gets tougher as the years go by, all night swathing and taking a catnap on the floor because of fatigue... Don't get me wrong, there was always a trucker while combining. Servicing stuff in the morning, desiccating later crops....

    My neighbour used to bark about all the "unpaid" labour that gets put into a crop and unaccounted for as an expense. In how many other careers do parents/people get to take their kids, fathers, in-laws, friends, nephews to work so the job can get done, without pay at times as well. Is there a column for appreciation expense on your P&L statement?


      We are fortunate to have a great harvest crew.

      Most years not so lucky, so it feels almost stress free. Looking forward to harvest (except the 25% of our crop that is shitty!)


        When I had rod and stick combines I loved combining. Working with retired guys is a lot of fun and a blessing.
        However yes, you can tell when the eyes change.
        Now combine all fly by wire run myself mostly. Luckily found good drivers.
        One benefit to staying in a small community a lot of connections.
        Have tried a recruitment agency this year. Their overseas placement has worked out extremely well. Despite the agencies' occasional diligence lapse.


          Farmaholic. You're not the only one.
          There will likely be no farmers like us next generation. They will all be 4th gen. large family corps.
          And that's OK too. Their stress will be how to be content on a upper middle class salary.
          It's not easy but watch the poison of negativity doesn't get to be a habit. Good luck.


            This trend makes me think of old Chinese pictures of old people, women and children out in rice patties harvesting crops, for mere pennies.


              Just curious what people are paying for hired help these days? Around here, for $18/hr you can get some old retired guy, no farming background, to pull a set of heavy harrows or grain cart at most. Younger, capable and ambitious guys and gals who can be left in charge of a combine, sprayer or seeder and who you want to keep around will set you back $30 or more bucks an hr plus benefits. Very hot economy east of Calgary.


                20 gets you a pulse. 27-35 for someone you can trust and has a brain.


                  I pay my boys 10/hr dicking around with me training/moving equipment/servicing stuff or $20/hr when they are running a piece of equipment by themselves. My time is worth a lot more than $20 so if they replace me its all good.
                  They are 14&16 and my 13 yr old daughter is waiting for her turn to help.
                  A lot of the time its make work on the $10 but its learning for later.


                    "It's not easy but watch the poison of negativity doesn't get to be a habit. Good luck."

                    Advice worth heeding. Also, I have to be careful that my crusty attitude, at times, doesnt affect the next generation. This is a topic I would like discussed but think would get little response. A little too personal and mushy for some. Am i doing my kid a
                    diservice by not being honest with him about how i feel about this?

                    I was given a wonderful opportunity from a very unselfish and gracious set of parents. I feel I need to give my kid the same opportunity but at a total cost, "of various kinds", to me? .


                      When I was back "home" in MB, it was my dad, oldest bro who has taken the farm (mostly) and me since it worked out well with my consulting business. Mom made the meals and delivered out to farm. My other bro would come out every once in a while in evenings or on weekends. Now I'm gone so my 80 year old dad put in a lot more stressful hours last year and probably will again.

                      Where I'm at now, I have the city boss's son, my semi retired co worker and another semi retired guy for full time workers this harvest. Then another guy to come in evenings and weekends. So I have enough men my boss doesn't need to be here!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I might actually enjoy harvest once again. Honestly don't remember the last time that happened.


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