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Canary Acres???

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    Canary Acres???

    How much was seeded this year? New crop bids have crept up a fair bit. Maybe the trade realizes low acres???

    What are guys seeing out there for acres?

    Not much(one feild) in my district and didn't see much on the road trips I went on.


      Our one guy who usually seeds a bunch has none. Another neighbor has 60 acres.


        Couple guys here . !50 and about 600 acres in the neighbourhood. These guys usually seed every year instead of wheat


          One farm east of stoon must have a couple thousand acres in but I think they normally do.


            I think Stat Can is correct for once on acreage of canary. Acres simply aren't out there. I am pretty bullish on canary. And green lentils. Not so much on peas or red lentils.


              Just curious when you say not so bullish on peas and red lentils, just curious as to why. Green pea acres will be there but quality/bleaching could be the issue. Yellow peas and red lentils pretty much world markets with Canada a participant/not necessarily a price setter. Lots of uncertainty on Canadian production.

              Trying to get my head around pulse outlook and putting thoughts down for an article I am doing for APGC.


                I think the flooding zone hurt green lentils more then red lentils. THere are some exceptional red crops on west side of province, and some poor ones in Moose Jaw east region. But, 2X acreage over last year. Yes, pipe line is completely empty, but we are going to have likely 1.4 to 1.5 MMT of reds. Changes the picture drastically compared to last week with zero MMT. I think greens got whacked in SE Sask. And acres havent kept up with demand, especially with the demand from India due to reduced moonson. All and all makes me bullish greens and bearish reds, but we likely still wont see sub 20 cent reds. But, reds will be weak until xmas due to cheap forward sales from last winter, and significant crop.

                Peas i should learn not to comment on. But, i think yellow crop is pretty large in west sask and will see lots of acres yeild similar to last year. And acreage has generally shifted west due to athinomyces issues in NE and E Sask. Saying that, in Moose Jaw there are big pea crops right next to flooded lentils. Green pea acreage apparently jumped but not involved enough to really comment on pea pricing as i have been wrong on greens last couple years. Maple peas will have issues with movement i think, acres too large. Corn has to come into play on yellow pricing somewhat. It's a new year and what happened last year is irrelevant.


                  Aphanomyces. Is confirmed north east of glidden. Very little peas north of macklin up to lloydminster. Not much crop between macklin and kerrobert.


                    Aphanomyces. Is confirmed north east of glidden. Very little peas north of macklin up to lloydminster. Not much crop between macklin and kerrobert.


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