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Friday Crop Report!

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    Be careful with the type of Copper used that late some types of copper can really hurt yield.

    Ergot can only grow where there is no seed. It doesn't take over, only grows in a blank space.

    Copper helps, but so does Boron.


      Harvest has started here. We combined a field of annual ryegrass yesterday. It had been swathed a week. Finally got the moisture down to 15% and will air dry the rest. Yield seem good, although we are ryegrass virgins so don't really know. The straw baled nice and looks like it will be much better cattle feed than cereal straw. We'll test later.

      Some wheat getting close to swathing. It looks good but we'll see when the combine rolls. Quality may be an issue.

      I say quality may be an issue because the winter wheat in this area is a complete disaster. The norm seems to be 36% fusarium. Some yields are as low as 20 bus/ac. That said, sheeple around here are lining up to spend $13.50 per bus. for Emerson and $12.50 per bus for Flourish. Too much.

      Our canola is maturing slowly, still looks good. We're about the only no tillers left in the area and it is paying off again. The people with the black fields have canola drying out noticeably. Some schlerotina showing up on canola fields that weren't treated or had aerial application.

      Oh yeah, forecast sucks. Seems high pressure ridge has flattened allowing systems to track through. Don't need it. Don't want it.


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