Sk your correct every time you hook up a tow rope you cringe. Yes surprised more of us don't get hurt. Today twice sunk the sprayer and it's just day one of desiccating wheat. Lots of fun breadwinner lots of fun.
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Harvest Time!!!!
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Ah - we all have our shit at times - just covered 1000 ac peas - combined 305
Great fun all over. 65 last year 10 ish this year. Last 8 years ave 55,000 to 65,000 bus this year actualy less than 10,000 - 9700 ish
SF - sorry, but you continue to piss and moan like your the only area on earth with issues - wake the *** up - we all have issues - have you ever been through a 4 year drought - no - eh??..... Yes mud is horrible but stop fukin whinning like your the only one that has hardships - so sick of it. I would say freewheat has had 50% more shit times than you - easy.
Yes some are more fortunate than others at times - always will be the story in western Canada. Always someone with a shit story - it is what it is - just don't shit on those that are "lucky" - it's not there fault for Christ sake..
I know I don't anymore - good on em as far as I am concerned..
Some of your posts almost drip with hate that you wish that " all us out west have sprouted grain and ****ed up this or that" really??? - ask us out here, don't throw darts from there. You loose credibility doing it - I have done it.
Quality still good here - and no sprouted grain - fusarium will be an issue - how bad ??? Sclerotina is taking a big chink for sure - but all is not lost here into hell.
IMO my guess on canola being off 20% from last year is now 30% plus and peas will be down 40% ave yields- add or delete acres if you wish. Too many peas 10 or less in this entire area and no 50 -70's.
My 50 looking peas went 28. Was the best looking peas in the area. There are some I don t know why they are not worked down.
My 50 looking peas went 28. Was the best looking peas in the area. There are some I don t know why they are not worked down.
My 50 looking peas went 28. Was the best looking peas in the area. There are some I don t know why they are not worked down.
My 50 looking peas went 28. Was the best looking peas in the area. There are some I don t know why they are not worked down.
My 50 looking peas went 28. Was the best looking peas in the area. There are some I don t know why they are not worked down.
SF3. With all the respect in the world, knowing where Breadwinner farms, I know for a fact both the frost of 2004, and the last decade of rain would make your area look like the Sahara desert.
He knows more than you may think he does about what too much rain does, or frost on August 19th. He simply has a good attitude about and throughout it all.
I know I have struggled at times to not be upset, feel sorry for myself, and so on; Yesterday for me was a hellish day of stress and turmoil as an example, but it is nice that he has put forward a thread about the good stuff of harvest. It helped me remember what it can be about, in spite of having imperfect crop concerns, financial pressures, along with the tragic disease known as ISTHEREGUNNABEENOUGHBUSHELSITIS syndrome that hits us all hard every year.
How times have changed! I remember being a youngster, maybe 5 or 6 and my mother trucking grain to some dinky little wood bin with tall grass all around at midnight with 2 kids supposed to sleep in the truck. In the dark, she backed over the auger once. Then she would wake me up to help her to move the auger to the next dinky bin. This all done in pitch dark. Oh, how things have changed, I hope for all!
Yes freewheat I agree his thread is about harvest. I to can remember playing in a field wile the two 55 Deere combines went around and around and stopped at the three ton GMC truck that started with a pedal on the floor. Me and my brothers would play farm in the fresh cut stubble and pretend we were breaking new ground with out toys out of the stubble to plant a crop. Then Mom would tell us to pack up so she could dump and we would move again. Spending time with your grandfather. Yes times have changed its a great thread.
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