Seems some times advise is just that advise. Then mother nature throws in a wrench with excess moisture and turns a fine crop into shit. It doesn't matter if you sprayed fungicide once twice or even three times. Read their label or phone them and ask about their expensive product that helps maybe 20 to 30%. Yea we farmers pay a fortune for this miracle drug that maybe will work.
But now the problem some who will harvest their CPSred might have a product that is classed as unsaleable.
So what the protocol with Sask crop insurance to you get paid as zero production or do they grade factor your yield down by 50% so you end up with instead of 60 its 30 and your 10 year average since you only started growing it 4 years ago is 30 does this mean no check.
Yes on advisory group last year made farmers some nice coin growing this crop but maybe not this year.
Curious what others know how crop insurance will deal with this problem.
But now the problem some who will harvest their CPSred might have a product that is classed as unsaleable.
So what the protocol with Sask crop insurance to you get paid as zero production or do they grade factor your yield down by 50% so you end up with instead of 60 its 30 and your 10 year average since you only started growing it 4 years ago is 30 does this mean no check.
Yes on advisory group last year made farmers some nice coin growing this crop but maybe not this year.
Curious what others know how crop insurance will deal with this problem.