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Opinion changing

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    Opinion changing

    After reading the western producer and seeing that Ritz and Kornychuck still having their pissing match it's easy to see why agriculture is where it is on the Canadian prairies. After reading their diatribe, they should bear the responsibility for not having an functioning open market with transparent reporting procedures.

    The good news is that the CWB is building at Pasqua. Easy access, to both railways, and to stuff it down Viterra, P&H, and Cargill throats.

    I might have to phone and see if they would let some condo space be built with it.

    Bucket, more capacity and competition is always good but I think they are going to get bought out sooner or later. I think some people would cut off their nose to spite their face and never deliver a load up the driveway because of who it is....


      I use to think that way, but who is really doing something for farmers now.

      If the majors gave a shit about farmers their capacity would be increasing and their facilities would have the dryers tuned up by now.

      Not likely.

      The nice thing about not being influenced by association is my opinion can change and quickly to reflect reality.

      Ritz should have resigned on August 1, 2012. Let someone else complete the job. He doesn't have the intelligence to complete the job. Now he just looks stupid.


        Lets face it he didn't have the intelligence to start the job.


          I'm not saying open marketing was the wrong choice, but the checks and balances that should have been put in place weren't. All you ever heard about was the lack of "transparency" in the old way of doing things, has anything changed? A slower more methodical approach likely would have yielded better results for Primary Producers but they were hell bent on keeping the election promise no matter what.

          This is just my opinion and someone allot smarter than me with their finger on the pulse will better be able to tell you what should have been done. But opening the flood gates and then being reactive instead of proactive in the first place is what I'm getting at.


            My problem with the process is that they couldn't get the no brainer stuff done.

            When talking about an open market I thought they had the "I's" and "T's" dotted and crossed because the system is in place 200 miles south. Surely they couldn't be that incompetent. I was wrong. Shame on me.

            Going forward knowing the people involved will help understand whether the job gets done right. The people involved now like Ritz and Kornychuck have proven to be a detriment to achieving the goals of the average producer.


              bucket: There is NO "OPEN MARKET"...THAT WAS FICTION FROM DAY ONE.

              Well now we know for sure who runs things and it AINT the farmer.

              The grain companies first and the railroads second control marketing...there is no third party involved. The producer may think he/she is marketing but that is an illusion fostered by government Ag departments and so-called economists who are able and willing to guide the producer (for a price), in most cases.

              You got your new system...now live with it...warts and all.


                Good Lord Wilagro.


                  Good lord klause! Maybe it's your oil money maybe it's not loosing several crops in a row while your large enough to say you are a full time farmer. But sooner or later klause you ll see the reality WilGro is bang on. We re not in control of anything but we could be but are too stupid and too greedy hoping the next guy fails so we can take it over. Lots of guys now that had three years flooding tell me they understand what I meant when I said we re being used.


                    You lefty whiners need to start looking outside the box, last time I checked the sky was not falling. Thank goodness that system is long gone. Buy yourself some shares in rail and elevators and start getting some of your money back. If you can't handle the new marketing world you better adjust or retire.


                      Just please don't suggest we had any "control" with the old system either. That was the biggest illusion of all.


                        I have a letter in my possession that I got in reply to some questions I asked re Bill C18 dated Nov 15 2011.

                        It states in part "….Additionally, our Conservative government will ensure the availability of producer cars as well as the overall security of grain handling and a transportation system in a free marketing environment"

                        The author? no other than Senator Mike Duffy who was to busy making sure he secured his own entitlements.
                        How could farmers be led down the garden path by such people?


                          We had open market everything other than human wbeat and malt barley. Why bitch about the system now bucket this is what you and a lot of us were wanting. So now its not working so ****ing good at the momento. My hope is for the new CWB.


                            Work with the new cwb. I know I intend to.


                              They should of changed the name CWB is just allot of bad memories.


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