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Not trying to piss people off

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    Not trying to piss people off

    But latest weather event in western Canada how widespread? 20% of cropping area bearing in mind its a big place.

    Guess ultimately trying to figure if world will take notice, seems to me there is still a mountain of wheat in the world but on flip side potentially dubious quality.

    Got offered $280 per metric tonne today for asw wheat which is kinda 2nd grade milling wheat equates to $260 on farm, going out in boxes, has to be between 10% and 11% protein not over not under obviously a niche market somewere.

    Havent responded but its a good price for that grade. Thinking noodles in se asia

    Western canada is shut down.

    Thinking saskatchewan isn't more than 15 percent done where they should be pushing 60 plus.

    Grades are going down. P&H went to 5.75cdn dropped in pit for 1cwrs 13 px.

    It was a special.


      Basically Sunday a few got going and by late Sunday night the fat lady was singing and probably were shut down till Friday now. Cold day time temps and low nights with no wind doesn't help soggy crops. I called it earlier that the weather was changing and some laughed. Its farming and we farm in one of the toughest places in the world to grow a crop. Its not lollypops and rainbows.
      Mother nature runs the show here.


        Talked to one grain buyer yesterday asked about what he had been seeing,he said mostly 3 and feed a little 2,but raining again.


          Mallee, if I was offered $260/T for my milling wheat right now, I'd say "sold" before they finished the sentence.


            So the grain merchants have been out selling at the last years prices with the thoughts that we were going to get a average/good quality crop, are likely now going to be out trying to sell #3 because better grades aren't as likely to be there. They likely have enough #1 and 2 contracted and in store to cover those sales.

            If this crop comes off and it looks like it will, as #3 and feed they will be keeping the price of #1 and 2 low and use it to blend up the feed to a #3.

            Complete reversal to past, where they would buy cheap #3 and feed then trickle it into upper grades to make profits.

            Just thoughts on how this years marketing MIGHT play out.


              Hmmm..... making money on "elevation" AND "misgrading" AND "blending", what a novel idea. Not that we didn't know its happening, just thought I'd remind everyone. Can I buy shares in some.of these Companies????? Holy shit I just about pissed myself laughing.

              Going to be a tough year to "market" cereals.


                Quality is going to be poor and the world is swimming in poor quality, going to be a ugly winter. There is a higher than normal carry over of decent quality old crop and how that goes will be interesting. March bids for 1 and 2 were in the 6.40 range last week.
                Zero carry over gets sold here until at least Nov until the whole story gets told.


                  If it's mostly #3 and feed, I'd bet by Nov Grain co's won't even have a bid. World swamped with feed. Just a spit of rain, clear at nite down to zero. Should go tomorrow.


                    I was told by a fellow who is "in the trade" that there are millions of tons of winter wheat that are now being graded utility,(next to useless). He did stress "millions". This would be due to fusarium.


                      Does an ethanol plant care if there is fusarium in the wheat or does it make the DDG unusable?


                        Depends on the Ethanol plant.

                        Fusarium makes the DDG unusable for hogs… Cows are a little more tolerant.

                        Husky has very low allowable levels.

                        Terra Fuels and Poundmaker have higher limits.

                        Terra only takes a limited amount of high fuz wheat to mix in with "clean" wheat...


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