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Feed wheat - how low can it go ??

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    Feed wheat - how low can it go ??

    My guess is below $3 by late Oct

    Your support on feed wheat will be a very tight western Canadian barley supply demand.

    The other factor to follow will be the truck freight market. Southern Alberta feed grain prices have actually held up fairly well. The big challenge truck freight between crop surplus areas and feed consumption areas.


      On your $3/bu, where would this price be? Also thoughts on quality. Is this a frost shrivelled 50 lb/bu feed wheat or a 60 lb/bu sprouted stuff?

      As with every year, it will pay to know your quality and work to match what you have with a customer.


        1.00 a bushel they fu&&ed us on #1 high protein last year and will down grade all so again win with the shit stuff! Ah farming


          last time it froze it was down to 2 bucks a bu here


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