Night after night on middle of nowhere bush alberta. .. 8 hrs away from a woman that loves me.
Shit camp food. Communal showers that almost never have hot water...
Spend 12 hours a day pulling wet pipe when it's -40 either being soaked and frozen on the floor or just froze up in the stick.
Working all night then getting called back at 11 am cause you're the only one on two crews who can get an air locked detroit diesel going.
Working with a bunch of drunk mechanically inept and physically weak twits who don't understand production or even what they do half the time.
I me good with winter season thanks.
That's exactly the reason I farm. On the farm I am my own boss. On a rig you are always someone's bitch. Even if you are consulting... there's always a guy above you using you as their scape goat... and always someone under you that screws up and gets you an ass chewing.
Shit camp food. Communal showers that almost never have hot water...
Spend 12 hours a day pulling wet pipe when it's -40 either being soaked and frozen on the floor or just froze up in the stick.
Working all night then getting called back at 11 am cause you're the only one on two crews who can get an air locked detroit diesel going.
Working with a bunch of drunk mechanically inept and physically weak twits who don't understand production or even what they do half the time.
I me good with winter season thanks.
That's exactly the reason I farm. On the farm I am my own boss. On a rig you are always someone's bitch. Even if you are consulting... there's always a guy above you using you as their scape goat... and always someone under you that screws up and gets you an ass chewing.