Torrington, WY Fri Sep 26, 2014 USDA-WY Dept of Ag Market News
Montana Elevator Cash Grain Prices
Closing elevator cash bids compared to Thursday: Winter Wheat steady to 1 lower,
Spring Wheat mostly 3 lower, Durum Wheat unchanged, Feed Barley unchanged, Malt
Barley unchanged to 250 higher. Wheat prices are in dollars per bushel, barley
prices dollars per cwt. **Prices not necessarily representative of all
terminals within Montana**
US 1 Hard Red Winter Wheat
Ordinary 11 pct 12 pct 13 pct
Billings Area 4.44-4.69 4.54-4.77 4.59-4.83 4.59-4.87
Golden Triangle 4.71-5.03 4.79-5.11 4.83-5.16 4.83-5.18
Great Falls Area 4.81-4.87 4.89-4.95 4.93-4.99 4.93-4.99
Northcentral Mt 4.63-4.69 4.73-4.78 4.78-4.86 4.78-4.92
Northeast Mt 4.27-4.52 4.35-4.60 4.39-4.64 4.39-4.64
Southeast Mt 4.03-4.47 4.11-4.55 4.15-4.59 4.15-4.59
US 1 Dark Northern Spring Wheat
13 pct 14 pct 15 pct
Billings Area 3.78-3.98 5.38-5.53 6.58-6.73
Golden Triangle 3.92-4.19 5.52-5.79 6.72-6.99
Great Falls Area 4.02-4.49 5.62-6.09 6.82-7.29
Northcentral Mt 3.60-4.63 5.40-5.66 6.43-7.00
Northeast Mt 3.43-4.10 5.23-5.50 6.44-6.88
Southeast Mt 3.52-3.80 4.90-5.43 5.97-6.83
US 1 Durum Wheat (Harrington)
13 pct US 1 Malt Barley US 2 Feed Barley
Billings Area -- nb nb
Golden Triangle 12.50 9.50-12.00 4.00-4.50
Great Falls Area -- 12.00 nb
Northcentral Mt -- nb 3.75
Northeast Mt 13.00 12.00 nb
Southeast Mt 11.25 nb nb
nb - no bid
na - not available
Source: USDA-WY Dept of Ag Market News Service, Torrington, WY
Kaye Orton, Market Reporting Assistant
Phone: 307-532-4146
Office email:
Torrington, WY Fri Sep 26, 2014 USDA-WY Dept of Ag Market News
Montana Elevator Cash Grain Prices
Closing elevator cash bids compared to Thursday: Winter Wheat steady to 1 lower,
Spring Wheat mostly 3 lower, Durum Wheat unchanged, Feed Barley unchanged, Malt
Barley unchanged to 250 higher. Wheat prices are in dollars per bushel, barley
prices dollars per cwt. **Prices not necessarily representative of all
terminals within Montana**
US 1 Hard Red Winter Wheat
Ordinary 11 pct 12 pct 13 pct
Billings Area 4.44-4.69 4.54-4.77 4.59-4.83 4.59-4.87
Golden Triangle 4.71-5.03 4.79-5.11 4.83-5.16 4.83-5.18
Great Falls Area 4.81-4.87 4.89-4.95 4.93-4.99 4.93-4.99
Northcentral Mt 4.63-4.69 4.73-4.78 4.78-4.86 4.78-4.92
Northeast Mt 4.27-4.52 4.35-4.60 4.39-4.64 4.39-4.64
Southeast Mt 4.03-4.47 4.11-4.55 4.15-4.59 4.15-4.59
US 1 Dark Northern Spring Wheat
13 pct 14 pct 15 pct
Billings Area 3.78-3.98 5.38-5.53 6.58-6.73
Golden Triangle 3.92-4.19 5.52-5.79 6.72-6.99
Great Falls Area 4.02-4.49 5.62-6.09 6.82-7.29
Northcentral Mt 3.60-4.63 5.40-5.66 6.43-7.00
Northeast Mt 3.43-4.10 5.23-5.50 6.44-6.88
Southeast Mt 3.52-3.80 4.90-5.43 5.97-6.83
US 1 Durum Wheat (Harrington)
13 pct US 1 Malt Barley US 2 Feed Barley
Billings Area -- nb nb
Golden Triangle 12.50 9.50-12.00 4.00-4.50
Great Falls Area -- 12.00 nb
Northcentral Mt -- nb 3.75
Northeast Mt 13.00 12.00 nb
Southeast Mt 11.25 nb nb
nb - no bid
na - not available
Source: USDA-WY Dept of Ag Market News Service, Torrington, WY
Kaye Orton, Market Reporting Assistant
Phone: 307-532-4146
Office email: