There are opportunities if you present the information. About 9 years ago I brokered/ sold( organic) bran frosted "feed" wheat on falling numbers and protein lab results.
I was quite stunned. They had tandem semis pick it up, 831 bushels per load and hauled it from Shellbrook, Sk to a mill in Commerce CityCo, just north of Denver.
Last year, I gained $2.20/bushel on my last 2 btrains of HRSW. I had faxed the lab results around to buyers in November. Somebody found a use for It by February.
I know $6600.00 is a fart in the wind for a farm these days, but it paid for my testing.
I also realize its not an apples to apples market comparison . What I am getting at, is that opportunities present themselves when you are helping yourself.
I was quite stunned. They had tandem semis pick it up, 831 bushels per load and hauled it from Shellbrook, Sk to a mill in Commerce CityCo, just north of Denver.
Last year, I gained $2.20/bushel on my last 2 btrains of HRSW. I had faxed the lab results around to buyers in November. Somebody found a use for It by February.
I know $6600.00 is a fart in the wind for a farm these days, but it paid for my testing.
I also realize its not an apples to apples market comparison . What I am getting at, is that opportunities present themselves when you are helping yourself.