With all the whining on the cop is anyone ready to post actual # as someone said did you realy need to spray 17 timesa , did you need 200# N , did you need that 50thou$ gadget for the tractor and another for the combine. How much$ per acre invested. And who pushes the price opf land up,up,up? Everyone can whine about thier cop but sure would be interesting to see just what they think are essentials.
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Horse you must not farm you call stating a fact seed Fert Chem costs that are out of hand whining! I call it stating s fact!
Explain why the one year our prices go up they increase theirs by 10 fold then cant reduce! Just can't! As long as farmers argue amongst them selves industry wins its us against them and they need us! Parasites always need a host!
In response on COP I try to keep my costs down pre buying and storing Fert which saved me 30 dollars an acre. A lot of my machinery is older lower payments higher repairs prob 15 to 20 dollars an acre there for repairs on average. Fuel is now a big issue as well. One point I agree with sask 3 on is with lower prices for grain Fert and canola seed going up seems extremely out of line. Having said that farmers continue to buy it and bid up rent and land prices and buy lots of shiny equipment so it is hard to feel sorry for them. If they were truly worried they would change.
Why compare? It only matters that "you sell" the crop "you bought" for a *reasonable* margin above cost. Which will prove tough with some crop's quality and quantity issues and prices this year.
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