I also regard input capital corp. in this manner. They supply you inputs so you can be "progressive" and expand. You take all the weather and production risks. If it doesn't work out, they have your land.
I have shares in them, I just can't see it going wrong for them. Worst case scenario, a few guys fail, INP.V ends up with title of the farmland, and can now offer the land to rent and inputs to the next "progressive" farmer. Best case scenario the "progressive " farmer grows kick ass crops, pays back INP.V and they sell their share into the market. More progressive farmers are attracted to INP.V and they supply more inputs and sell more of their crop onto the market. Win win.
I have shares in them, I just can't see it going wrong for them. Worst case scenario, a few guys fail, INP.V ends up with title of the farmland, and can now offer the land to rent and inputs to the next "progressive" farmer. Best case scenario the "progressive " farmer grows kick ass crops, pays back INP.V and they sell their share into the market. More progressive farmers are attracted to INP.V and they supply more inputs and sell more of their crop onto the market. Win win.