Well what a wonderful three days of harvest and half yesterday. Last Thursdays quarter inch ended harvest activities till Sunday. Only ones going Sunday were farmers with dryers. Then a hot Monday till Tuesday and Wednesday rained out again. But this rain we were only hit on a few fields. Oh where we still have to harvest.
Did manage to get 80 acres of standing barley off grain was dry but straw a different story.
See this late in year gives you other problems in a wet year. The ground has so much moisture and at night it comes to the surface. So a start for harvest early is not in the cards then your able to go hard if the sun stays out but usually by dark your back into other problems.
Crop report.
Quit phoning suppliers and wondering if we will do a survey for next year or purchase seed or fertilizer when we still have crop out.
Simply go F&*K yourself is the reply.
Some on here might think were lazy in our area or not prepared or don't work late at night etc. etc. Basically look at the environment Canada weather map for the total precipitation since 2007 and guess what only one area of the whole western Canada is purple every single year.
Take the title I'm ready to pass it off.
Total harvested in our area is probably 90% Myself and a few guys with some acres are around 84%. This final push got lots of the smaller operators done. One guys has thousands of acres.
HRS yield was good but when you lose acres your total is down to a average wheat crop in our area. Grade is a different story. Our samples are back and a #2 High protein is where they will make it. Some have feed no one has higher. Reasons for feed is fusarium and yes ours was tilled last fall is that the reason I don't know but a lot of guys are ripping and ripping good. Next year will tell.
Canola is crop still out but at this time of year is a easy crop to harvest the straw is totally rotten and easy to harvest. Yields are down 30% to 40% from last year. Ken Ball thinks not but from a office WTF do experts know.
Flax seems to have a average of 30 on well drained and sprayed with headline. Way less if missed or got hit with rain.
Oats yield is down, really bad oats crops out their, Heard a lot of 60s to 80S that is totally the shits for oats. We have just oats left so don't have a handle on crop size yet.
Barley is no where near last year but some one explain why the late last quarter might make malt ahead of the early seeded stuff. It ran excellent.
Peas acres will be down no one is talking peas or discussing peas or caring about peas. Its had its day in our area.
Soy is yet to be harvested and probably will go today after the barley is done. Yields are anywhere from 40 is the highest to 25 lowest. I'm thinking 30.
They will replace peas in our area real soon.
Lots have been spraying weeds because they are still actively growing.
So to sum up the week lots of fall work completed lots of burning taking place and very little harvest activity.
Looks like the late start because of the rain and rain delayed summer on crops will bite us in the ass this year and crop will stay out all winter. Were not Peace River Alberta but starting to wonder WTF is going on.
Be safe we lost one of us farmers last week don't need any more to go. Its just a crop.
Did manage to get 80 acres of standing barley off grain was dry but straw a different story.
See this late in year gives you other problems in a wet year. The ground has so much moisture and at night it comes to the surface. So a start for harvest early is not in the cards then your able to go hard if the sun stays out but usually by dark your back into other problems.
Crop report.
Quit phoning suppliers and wondering if we will do a survey for next year or purchase seed or fertilizer when we still have crop out.
Simply go F&*K yourself is the reply.
Some on here might think were lazy in our area or not prepared or don't work late at night etc. etc. Basically look at the environment Canada weather map for the total precipitation since 2007 and guess what only one area of the whole western Canada is purple every single year.
Take the title I'm ready to pass it off.
Total harvested in our area is probably 90% Myself and a few guys with some acres are around 84%. This final push got lots of the smaller operators done. One guys has thousands of acres.
HRS yield was good but when you lose acres your total is down to a average wheat crop in our area. Grade is a different story. Our samples are back and a #2 High protein is where they will make it. Some have feed no one has higher. Reasons for feed is fusarium and yes ours was tilled last fall is that the reason I don't know but a lot of guys are ripping and ripping good. Next year will tell.
Canola is crop still out but at this time of year is a easy crop to harvest the straw is totally rotten and easy to harvest. Yields are down 30% to 40% from last year. Ken Ball thinks not but from a office WTF do experts know.
Flax seems to have a average of 30 on well drained and sprayed with headline. Way less if missed or got hit with rain.
Oats yield is down, really bad oats crops out their, Heard a lot of 60s to 80S that is totally the shits for oats. We have just oats left so don't have a handle on crop size yet.
Barley is no where near last year but some one explain why the late last quarter might make malt ahead of the early seeded stuff. It ran excellent.
Peas acres will be down no one is talking peas or discussing peas or caring about peas. Its had its day in our area.
Soy is yet to be harvested and probably will go today after the barley is done. Yields are anywhere from 40 is the highest to 25 lowest. I'm thinking 30.
They will replace peas in our area real soon.
Lots have been spraying weeds because they are still actively growing.
So to sum up the week lots of fall work completed lots of burning taking place and very little harvest activity.
Looks like the late start because of the rain and rain delayed summer on crops will bite us in the ass this year and crop will stay out all winter. Were not Peace River Alberta but starting to wonder WTF is going on.
Be safe we lost one of us farmers last week don't need any more to go. Its just a crop.