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No a more On Farm Seed Treating

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    If Primary Producers are exempt from this new set of rules, sadly too much of what I said still applies, IMO. This is the first I heard of it but wouldn't surprise me a bit if the intent was to slip it in under the radar. Time will tell.


      Read the Damn page I linked to.

      and I quote:

      <em> Effective January 1, 2017, only Accredited Seed Treatment Operators certified under this code will be eligible to receive designated seed treatment products. This applies to ALL operators including end users.</em>


        Last time I checked we were the end user.


          Klause, It is definitely something to watch. Maybe you should make some calls on Monday and find out for sure if it is targeted at farmers or if on farm treating will be exempt.


            Nice red ink Klause.

            Some people have to have a Court of Queen's Bench ruling to interpret even very clear wording; even when the intent of this PROHIBITION is to keep ANYONE (except Commercial Seed Applicators) FROM EVEN THINKING THEY HAVE A HOPE IN HELL OF PRYING LOOSE ONE OUNCE OF ANY CHEMICAL THAT THE COMPANY WISHES TO RESTRICT (For one reason or another; and as a last resort because of stewardship and liability concerns. ).

            It would serve chemical companies and the seed industries right if this backfired; and we and the world all ended up without use of such chemicals. It wouldn't be farmers who suffered the most.

            Just pretend that that was in red ink.


              If I read this right, this is put forward by Croplifes' members which are the ag chems.

              Time to tell them we'll boycott the CruiserMax, Insure and Raxil. Voluntarily having treatment applied is a world away from being forced into someone's revenue stream, just because you want to treat your seed.


                Cargil has a wheat treating set up here already , if you buy cert wheat it must be treated there at your cost and you have no choice of seed treatment - they tell you what's best for your farm.
                We tried a Syngenta variety - paid a fortune and was absolute shit .
                Sorry to say they all are setting up for the future, all based on this seed treatment loophole and stronger enforcement of PBR . It is going the way of canola, just like many have said on here.
                I would imagine Tom is building a cereal seed treatment facility as we speak - going to be huge fukin money in it and anouther big chunk of change pulled from the already slim cereal profit margins - I might be wrong but these thieves are staring us in the face with a big smirk
                There is a time not so far away where we will have to do 2x the paper work of organic farmers . Absolutely everything will have to be documented and recorded .


                  Glad to see I'm not the only cynic in Western Canada. I'm in good company too.

                  Haven't heard from any defenders of this new proposal.

                  You're right furrow, wheat/cereal margins are kinda the shits to start with and now the possibility of giving more away through the complementary UPOV91 legislation and seed treater regulations. Hard to beleive.... before now, has anyone heard of this coming down the pipe? Thanks for posting it Klause.


                    This is case where farmers need their groups to advocate for them. But, we have to tell them. They need to know what their members want lobbied for.

                    Wheat Growers, NFU, KAP, Wild Rose, Grain Growers, etc. could for once find common ground. (Whaaat?)


                      Does say designated.
                      This could be anywhere between zero and one hundred percent.
                      From grower point of view, which is better or worse, company, industry or government designated products?


                        From the link Klause provided:

                        What is AWSA?

                        The Agrichemical Warehousing Standards Association (AWSA) was founded, and is managed by warehouse operators, manufacturers, distributors and governments working together. Its mission is the continuous improvement of agrichemical warehouse performance in Canada through the establishment of standards to improve environmental protection, working conditions and business risk. This is accomplished by ensuring that crop protection products are stored in certified warehouses. Warehouses are audited every two years by auditors who are specially trained and certified. The Standards are enforced through the diligent issuing and withdrawing of certificates by AWSA. Agrichemical manufacturers will not ship product to uncertified warehouses. In addition AWSA informs, educates and communicates with stakeholders and provides other services as required.

                        Board of Directors

                        Steve Rongits (Growmark)
                        Merle Hoegy (Brussels Agromart)
                        Jeff Kisilosk (Richardson International)
                        Ian McNeill (Federated Coop)

                        Dianna Emperingham (Bayer CropScience)
                        Kevin Brost (FMC)
                        Doug McLean (Cheminova)
                        David Steinwachs (BASF)

                        Public Warehouser
                        Dwight Osiowy (Acropolis – Chair)


                        Allan Bakke (Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture)


                          Hopalong, designated will be anything they determine they want the (now here's a world that should invoke emotions)"monopoly" over. I think anything that comes off patent protection will be deemed inferior or dangerous and be deregistetered so anything new will be "designated". It will be just a matter of time before cereals will resemble the canola model.


                            And even with a Court of Queen's Bench "direction"; there would still be those who wouldn't believe what they were told.

                            How clear do the facts have to be?

                            For each step forward; two or more steps are forced to be retraced in the opposite direction.


                              Allegedly its about "Standards" and "warehouses".

                              But when its not feasible or practical or too onerous or makes no sense to spend days or even years to meet those standards for facilities you might use a few hours a year;

                              then guess what....you've just had another option taken away.

                              Fits perfectly with new certified seed; every year. Or denied access to desired inputs.

                              That would be very convenient; and who cares if that crop is overall profitable or not?

                              Stewardship, standards, OH&S, building codes; audits, recordkeeping; paper trails; training tickets.....there is absolutely no end to adding one more safety and pyhtosanitary regulation "precaution".

                              But don't blame governments? Just who do you think this group has for partners?

                              Ask yourself if "at this time... is this required"? If the answer is yes then another option is to consider all out shutting this too dangerous puppy down; and just ban every applicable product. It will come to doing that anyway.

                              You can count on some risk and some provable side effect for anything ever used.

                              Demand zero tolerance and there is only one outcome if it is enforced.


                                I was told 10 years ago farmers would not be able to give a shot of penicillin to treat their own cows. Vets sell it to me and no one seems to care about farmers still doing it themselves. Maybe with more money involved in the seed treatment they will want farmers to go by the book. Everyone may have to ask their MP the question during the next election.


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