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Canada US dollar

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    Read this tonight about the $US :
    "Today, the dollar purchases one penny of what a dollar in 1913 purchased. That’s how bad the inflation has been. " Pars.


      A Pars fact-check:
      <a href="http://photobucket.com/" target="_blank"><img src="http://i335.photobucket.com/albums/m441/npksetal/Bucket/Inflation-crop_zpsa94c6580.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo Inflation-crop_zpsa94c6580.jpg"/></a>

      But we get your point;-)


        That's a hundred years. In traveling to US many times a year, I have noticed their recent rate of inflation in the grocery markets has escalated rapidly in last 5 years or so. Their groceries are as expensive as ours now. The statitics don't bear it out, but neither do Canadian stats. Me thinx someone is screwing with the numbos. Wouldn't be the top screwers?


          To be contrary, I think I would not wish to buy much of what was available 100 years ago. I'll leave that to the antique dealers who have the ability to adjust prices to more than match inflation.


            it wasn't my fact, cole; it was a blogger's fact, which is why I used quotation marks.

            How far south will the $Cndn buying-power go, is the worrisome question. Pars


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