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Are the Fall of Super duper Operations hurting the average Joe!

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    Are the Fall of Super duper Operations hurting the average Joe!

    In our area it seems we have lost another media darling in farming.
    First was One Earth to take their toys and head back to Toronto now Broad acre to get the Hook from Creditors.
    Does this hurt fellow farmers.
    Yes I say, So much hype was put out their with Mission statements saying how they are friends of the environment etc and trusty honest group.
    WTF are all us normal farmers. The guys who get up go to work do a great job and continue year in year out no matter what is thrown at them.
    The Family farms yes even the modern larger Family farms its Mom and Dads and Kids and wives etc.
    WTF about these types.
    No the media think big and flashy wins the race.
    Over the time I have farmed these kinds come and go.
    Yes family farms do to but they leave by no one wanting to do this kind of work anymore.
    The big dogs leave by one news headline, were done!
    Land values were effected in our area also was rent. See in a perfect Ponzi scheme you need a Sucker which is the main farmer paying to much, You need a owner who really owns the land or is borrowed to the hilt. You need a slick accountant who can dream in tec color with numbers all day. You need a lender who isn't aware of the whole system or one on the pay role. You need a shady individual who manages it all.
    One group fails and the scheme is done since no one individual is ready to step up to the plate and take it all on for same money. To many renters going after land the scheme is uncontrollable.
    But the main problem with farming is low 1974 prices which were now in again.
    2014 cost of equipment and supplies is another problem.
    Lots of hype with the Ag Boom was out their and lots bit, sad the old reliable that don't make the news have to carry on and pick up the pieces.
    Ah farming.
    What do others think.

    I'll tell you one thing - I can identify with the freewheat and cotton type family farm operators but the way you boast of all your quarters, all your seeding units all your combines, how much you rent, how many holidays you take I'd put you in the "Super duper Operation" category so it's funny that you try to inspire hatred against others of your ilk.


      Like my old aunt used to say, One desn't need to smell every fart". sorry, I am not pointing at anyone, just thimking of these"big players" and maybe they could have used some advice from their old aunt, bankers and FCC could use a brain too.


        Really you don't read them much then!
        We're a family operation 100 percent! One size for years!
        Last guy to finish helping every neighbour harvest!
        If I rent something we buy up to this point!
        Basically I'm a average joe grass!
        Have fun in your new area I'm sure they can't wait for you!


          I think SF3 can defend his position well enough on his own but his is the kind that for whatever reason is " approached" to farm more because he is a competent farmer.

          I asked him " why is it that guys that throw a big splash are darlings, but the guys that buy land over a private cup of coffee assholes?"

          I have watched guys grow but as you get to know them they didn't have time for mission statements or coffee shops. When my dad started visiting the coffee shop his buying days were over.


            No, it is not hurting me, personally.

            Explain why you think it is hurting other farmers? More land available if folks want. Confirmation that we are and were right that it wouldn't work.



              I've met SF3 numerous times, have been to his farm....

              He is very much a family operator. I know his posts come across a bit... I guess you could say flamboyant, but he isn't that way in person. Great guy. Very good farmer. Very nice operation.

              Isn't for me to go into details, but on some of these larger family farms if you divide acres by family members involved it isn't any different than CP, Freewheat, or my farm

              SF3, is land rent dropping in your area then? I would think that many acres would drop rates hard?


                I read once where someone ran a psychological personality profile, and used a corporation as the patient when filling in the questions. The result, psychologically, came back as sociopath. Which means, in a nutshell, no regard for others, and self interest first no matter what the consequences. Compassion, ethics, morality take the back seat to profit and self interest.

                I used to work off farm for a business that dealt with strictly farm customers. We never ever had to worry about the smaller farms and locally owned medium sized corporate farms paying their bills, no matter how tough times got. They always found a way. They had morals, ethics, and were very protective of their reputations. There was one fellow in particular who was forced into bankruptcy, but even though it took him several years, he came back and paid his legally uncollectable bill.

                The big ones, on the other hand, were the ones to worry about. They were more than willing to walk when things started getting tough, and since everything personal was protected by their corps, they really had nothing to lose but their reputations. That moral issue they attributed to their company names.

                The worst part is that for a small town supplier it doesn't take much of a hit to take them down too, if the big boys owe them when they lose it. When the small town suppliers are hurt by these big bankruptcies, it make life difficult for everyone they deal with because in the future they won't give credit like they used to. They can't afford to take the chance.


                  Klause not yet but this has just hit the local news.
                  Their is one big renter who is way behind. way way way. Like years that's the one to watch.


                    I know I am not bidding against the big boys. They have run the prices up to where it doesn't look sustainable.

                    And they will be first in line at the mediation table being allowed write downs. Some actually teach their sons this trick.

                    There is a half section up that I could walk to but am passing because it's going to be bid stupid for our area.


                      Was it really the $35/acre rent that put them in trouble? Looks to me that if they got the land for free the result would have been the same.
                      Taking a good look at who the creditors are, I think maybe other areas are more to blame.


                        Maybe so klause, but I only judge posters on their postings. But there he goes again:
                        "Last guy to finish helping every neighbour harvest!"
                        Toot, toot, I'm the greatest. I'm sure there are plenty others who help their neighbours but don't need to boast about it.


                          Saskfarmer, if I recollect, did you not say in some of your posts eariler this spring that your family were dropping a significant number of rented acres that you deemed as marginal.


                            Grass it's called helping your neighbour not pray with them on Sunday snd prey over them all week!
                            These two companies weren't resl farmers! That's my point!
                            Oh one more thing grass maybe move a little further east to Winnipeg you'll fit in better Their!


                              Yes and two young guys were able to increase their fatm size!


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