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here she blows

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    nope - good dedicktive work farmaholic.


      Actually in the eighties you could purchase land for less than the rent payment Around here at a time. Interesting. When interest went up rent went up but land started a decline in price. First land went up cause of profit a couple good years. Then interest went nuts. So rent went nuts as land prices went down. Both land buyers and land renters at the high were very hard pressed. It was a combination. We will not have high interest this time. So possibly the land owner will be the loser.


        Websites promoting your own businesses. ....


          Always interesting when agrivillers bring in the personal info stuff to discredit posters and try to scare them off.. LOL

          Speaking of Paulette farmaholic, I don't have a clue if you are single or not and don't really care. However, if you are, you should look her up. She is back out there at her Saskatchewan home and she's a great woman. Pretty, smart, good job and loaded. Could probably keep you in the farming game for years if you don't scare her off with unconventional worldy views like I did.


            RKaiser, no discrediting anyone, just a joke on your post on bigger is better and never hearing it in your life from the women in your life. Comment made for humour and shock value. People are interesting. If I ever feel the need or have the opportunity to look her up, I'll be in touch with you. Sounds like a good catch.

            "Fortune"ately, financially I don't need any help staying in the farming game. Could retire if I wanted to and didnt have someone who wanted to carry the torch.


              Its part of the frame work to deal with insolvency of the banking system if in fact we end up getting deflation rather than inflation.


                I think the "solvent" in this case will be precious metals as they will not dissolve as quickly as fiat currency in the current; when both are shoved over the river bank. Something always needs to de-solve to find a "solution". And solution is the key since we are all made mostly of water and the energy that is being removed by the banks. I would rather not give my energy away to the banks and continue to flow on this lovely planet....

                Just a little etymology and his-story of the banking lingo for those of you wondering what that was all about. LOL

                Hugz Randy


                  Rk-its coming up on 11 years when i bought goldcorp and started down the rabbit hole,still going down it.

                  The gold manipulation conspiracy theory,is no longer a theory,it was proven and fines handed out a few days ago,been following gatta for quite sometime.

                  As for elite bankers,central governments,central banks,conspiracy,etc,etc......im not with you on that,i understand it i've read it but that is simply not what the problem is.

                  Once you look at where the money moves,how it moves,why it moves,you dont need conspiracies to see how ****ed we are.

                  Example;interest payments on central government debt,or any debt ends up in private sector,pension funds,mutual funds,private investors,life insurance,etc,etc...who ever owns the bond.

                  Central banks are at the mercy of the governments,the people we contnually elect to give us free stuff,for the past 3 generations.

                  Now that the rubber is hitting the pavement,even the more obtuse are starting to see that we have some sort of problem so they lash out at the usual suspects,the banks,the 1 percenters,the blacks,the jews,the indians,the white males,the corporations,etc,etc.

                  But our problems are extremly structural,and as i see it impossible to solve.Minus technology,it could safe us.

                  I'm tempted to stand in the cornwall center with a clip board and ask 3 questions.

                  1-do you believe in free access to medical care in canada

                  2-what is the per capita expenditures on medicare in canada

                  3-how can you have an opinion about question number one if you dont even know the answer to question number 2

                  I can just imagine the same 50 year women with the same haircuts,the same glasses,the same clothes,the same makeup,the same weight giving me the same god damn quizzical look that says,how dare you young punk question what i know to be true.....to which i will reply good luck to you when it happens,you'll know it when you see it.(minus of course Pars,but everyone already knows she does not fit the profile)


                    O M G... Thank you cottenpicken. Other than the little slip about banking fraud be a conspiracy theory, I appreciate your reply with more than three words like "**** off nutcase"....LOL

                    I am happy to hear that rather than simply close your eyes, you have looked into the banking system and how fractional reserve banking and the bond market works. I respect your opinion and the prime directive of allowing free will for humanity and yourself to evolve. And please - I am not trying to put myself on a higher plain of ascendance LOL. I simply feel that you could take an even closer look at fractional reserve banking and the private entities that you and I agree buy the bonds.

                    If you feel that my comments are "blaming" the banks, I apologise. How could we ever have current to the sea and flow without banks.

                    It is human greed that is truly the problem and it just so happens that a lot of the greediest and least caring humans in the world work in the banking system.

                    Greed stems from control and control from fear and amazingly enough the greedy folk have figured out that they can use fear in two ways for their own personal good.

                    If you choose to continue to deny that fear is the root of the problem and that the fear instilled by those in controlling positions feeds them in two ways, I can do nothing about that.

                    As for the health care system and your mention of the "organic" wonder lady, of course she could answer your first two questions and truly has the answer to health care in general as well. Look after yourselves and others with healthy nutrition and a positive attitude and the problem that you seem to be blaming this world financial situation on dis solves. Take out the heavy metal in this case...LOL


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                      Hope this works. And hope you all had a nice poop this morning.


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