Tweety! Live in mud and you will understand! Wheat my once favorite crop is being destroyed by weather and grain companies! They now pick samples with tweezers and magnifying glasses! Protein means shit all it color or plumpness etc! When spraying for disease gives you more bushels but less dollars!
But again you want info here it is!
In the mud zone you gave to cut your Fert back from wheat or you will have the thickest healthiest barley you ever saw till the first thee inch rain that put it flat on the ground, throw in a hurricane wind and results are its ducked!
So Fert is less!
No spraying for midge!
Disease is cheaper control with tilt or even Aceppella at heading!
Yes same sees treatment and cheaper seed cost with barley!
Less cost crop insurance! Trucking usually a wash since if feed its fob!
No desicating but swath! Similar
But the big one no bullshit if it's malt its malt if it's feed its feed! No games no more bullshit!
Once whest goes to new way with seed costs my answer is easy drop the crop!
So yes if your in a marginal rain area that has had 8 great rain years it works that's was us up till the rains arrived!
Ever wonder why broad acre and one earth failed in our area! A once great growing grain area has been destroyed by rain and all these expensive managers can't pull good weather out of their spreadsheets!
Adapt or fail! Excess moisture sucks and I never would wish this shit on anyone!
Wheat is finished and acreage will be down in 2015, all thanks to shitty grading by grain industry to pas their coffers! Kill the supplier the supplier finally quits! It will happen watch!
Now bring on a drought for a few years and we would be back!
But again you want info here it is!
In the mud zone you gave to cut your Fert back from wheat or you will have the thickest healthiest barley you ever saw till the first thee inch rain that put it flat on the ground, throw in a hurricane wind and results are its ducked!
So Fert is less!
No spraying for midge!
Disease is cheaper control with tilt or even Aceppella at heading!
Yes same sees treatment and cheaper seed cost with barley!
Less cost crop insurance! Trucking usually a wash since if feed its fob!
No desicating but swath! Similar
But the big one no bullshit if it's malt its malt if it's feed its feed! No games no more bullshit!
Once whest goes to new way with seed costs my answer is easy drop the crop!
So yes if your in a marginal rain area that has had 8 great rain years it works that's was us up till the rains arrived!
Ever wonder why broad acre and one earth failed in our area! A once great growing grain area has been destroyed by rain and all these expensive managers can't pull good weather out of their spreadsheets!
Adapt or fail! Excess moisture sucks and I never would wish this shit on anyone!
Wheat is finished and acreage will be down in 2015, all thanks to shitty grading by grain industry to pas their coffers! Kill the supplier the supplier finally quits! It will happen watch!
Now bring on a drought for a few years and we would be back!