A rail link through the Bering Strait has been proposed for over a century by many people. Technically it is feasible. It is the massive cost that is preventing it. But that hurdle may be overcome by China's willingness to invest in infrastructure. Russia is also on board for rail infrastructure investment to open up Siberia. North America needs more rail primarily to move goods to and from Asia. Why go to port when we could go right to Asia?
More importantly, a transportation corridor overland could include highway and pipelines all in one package.
A cooperative project between NA, China, Russia, Korea, and Japan would do more for world peace than all the trade talks and peace talks.
Most importantly, the potential stimulus of this could pull us out of the continuing economic slump just as WWII war industries did from the 30's.
And the economic benefits that result from this would last for decades after the rail is completed.
More importantly, a transportation corridor overland could include highway and pipelines all in one package.
A cooperative project between NA, China, Russia, Korea, and Japan would do more for world peace than all the trade talks and peace talks.
Most importantly, the potential stimulus of this could pull us out of the continuing economic slump just as WWII war industries did from the 30's.
And the economic benefits that result from this would last for decades after the rail is completed.