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comments and the conservatives

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    comments and the conservatives

    After reading thru posts for a few days, I realize conservatives will still be in power after the next election.

    But is it because they are the best choice or the alternatives are that bad.

    I read a scouting report on the top 4 bantam hockey players in our league. It said their success comes being in a weak league. Not much of an endorsement.

    But it sums up what is out there for politicians.

    The secret to financial, and businesssuccess. bucket, is standing on one's own feet. It's hard to do. Selling one's soul for a few bucks, such as handouts, is so tempting; but it's akin to feeding the cats warm milk during the fall, until you take a week to holiday in AZ and come home to find the cats all frozen to death in your absence. Dependence.

    Being weaned from dependence requires a commitment to change.

    Change comes slowly, especially when you have to fight for independence alongside change. Many interests want farmers dependent. They try their best to groom farmers to be dependent; they horde knowledge and expertise. They build empires. They cannot thrive if thousands of farmers insist on being kings of their own castle.

    I will say this : conservative minds that I liaise with in 2014 , view farmers as grownups , as independent business people, as being able to make business decisions. Good or bad. Sometimes I am frightfully disappointed with farmer representativeness with as much business accumen as a bull in the next pasture to a cow in heat. Some terrible decisions are made by ordinary farmers. Sask Wheat Pool is an example of what happens to a thriving co- operative with suicidal representation.

    This sits in stark contrast with well-paid sharp minds who view you, bucket, as merely a land-renter from the Saskatchewan govt, not an owner. Ownership is powerful.

    Independence allows each of us to deal with, and build with, and dream with, people who have similar goals. And vision is crucial.

    I have harped on 'choice' over and over and over again. #Responsibility.
    People with a starkly different vision will seek security every time. #Favour.

    Which brings us to your point about politics.

    No political party is without warts. But most land-owning farmers favour independence instead of govt dependence; making decisions instead of having them made for you.

    At one time in Saskatchewan, Liberal Premier Ross Thatcher supported the vision of choice. Today, Liberal Premier Wynne epitomizes a government cradle to grave vision.

    Political parties change visions over the decades, but farmers continuing to love their land and their farms is a constant.

    And I must say that PM Harper is committed to giving personal choice to farmers. Trudeau doesn't yet understand the issue.

    In the meantime, smart farmers must send responsible, thinking individuals to speak for them at the tables where decisions are actually made. And personally make it a point to see that it happens.

    That is not happening. Yet. But it must. Pars


      Absolutely, positively, without question...Best choice is Conservatives.
      This is a no win thread Bucket...


        Pars...well put.


          Reminds me of the speech about the mice voting for the Cats to be in power. And then quite surprised when the Cats decided every mouse hole would have to be big enough for the cats to get their head in.
          These cats do not represent farmers in any way and have a long list of to prove it
          Now IF I was a chemical/seed co or grain co or Railroad company then I would fur sure think these *****S were the Best cats that Money could Buy


            This is just about discussing our choices.

            Let's do a scouting report on our options.


              Brought to you by the party that made "bail ins" standard policy.

              I am going to laugh my ass off at your guys blind support when "it" happens and a third of your checking account is seized "for the greater good".

              Seriously,you older "conservatives",at what point do your eyes open up and look at exactly what is happening?


                Lol,i actually think the government came out with the new math to make people even dumber.

                If jane has 4 cucumbers and mike has three tomatoes what is the temperture in alaska.

                Because conversely we are going to get rid of all that dirty co2,the ugly stuff we exhale and plants breath at agreat deal of 1billion dollars....and there are a million people yadadyadayada cary the zero move the point.....wow 4 dollars no prob,but owe now we need a new stadium,new highways,that municipal pension fund gap,annulized healthcare costs 6%,dont forget the indians and the upcoming never ending line of civil service employees,jees now my tax bill is a hundred bucks.......or wait did i move that decimal point enough....a ****it games on


                  Cotton, will they still take a third of my checking account if it is over drawn $30k.


                    Good summary Parsley.


                      Perhaps the half of checking account is the political party contribution.


                        Ado they can have half of my half million under checking account any time.


                          Cott, if you decide to continue on with bucket's "options" suggestion, then compare Canada to other countries in the world, and ask yourself, "What are my options of where I can live?" Methinks you got yourself worked up into a bit of fear-sweat.

                          Canadians truly live well. Our standard of living amazes me, and I'm grateful for it. And with our rule of law, out work ethic, and awareness, even a deep recession will be bearable.

                          All of us will be paying for the never ending greedy-wants of human beings, no matter how comfortable they are. Surely you don't think greed is going to mysteriously disappear. Teachers want more money. Walmart workers want higher wages. Governments react to their greed. Voters' greed. EVERY government. Wynne is the worst right now. And that gets us back to bucket's choices. Do farmers think Trudeau even understands what a budget is? Why a cutback is even necessary? Would Mulcair rack up more debt? Would he provide individuals with more choice or simply choose for you?

                          There are two ways to govern Canada . By either wealth distribution, aka taxes, OR by creating more wealth.. Mustard is a wealth creator. All farmers are true wealth creators. Cott says our wealth has been squandered (putting words in his mouth) and we are all going to live in old outhouses with candles for heat ( Well, maybe that's a stretch.) ;D
                          Mustard wants to to adopt all the poor people in the world and buy them a new house with our tax dollars. ;D

                          Isnt the answer to create more wealth, of every kind; be generous with it while choosing the people you give charity to; and pay your bills?

                          I have observed throughout the years, that most farmers work like slaves, make an unbelievable contribution to national export sales, spread dollars throughout their communities, "make ends meet", and truly care about, and help their neighbours and towns. And the family run farm is still strong.

                          Is there really anything better in life?

                          What are your national political options if your goal is the same in 2014 as it has always been? Justin? pars


                            We are pretty fortunate that we don't have extremists on either side, but it boils down to picking a side...the middle is not a side, so we are left with two.
                            The party that promotes dignity, self respect, economic opportunity vs oppression, doesn't divide to conquer, and can say no gets my vote.


                              Even during the Great Depression, the hungriest of men looked to work on farms because they would get to eat well and have room and board in return for their labour.

                              Farmera are food producers, and we are good at it. Food is not a worry for the farm community.

                              But do worry about jihad and Islamists who are
                              determined to kill you because you are an infidel.

                              And will annihilate your children. And grandchildren.

                              You must elect a government who will protect Canadians.

                              If you vote for a government who is willing to consort with the terrorists in mosques, you will not be protected.

                              Choose wisely. Parsley.


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