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comments and the conservatives

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    With the right BIG business has their way with us, with the left social spending means higher taxes. They all favor their buddies/supporters, seem to forget the taxpayers. I am not ALWAYS happy with any of them. Rural/farmer issues will NEVER be on any of their radars, 2% of population does not matter. Taken for granted, sorry.
    Democracy, the worst system ...except for all the others.


      Freedom left this country at least 25 years ago. I would rather have to "deal with" a little bit of security and safety on my own as opposed to having it imposed on me by my government. Muslims are the least of my concern, what keeps me up at night it over zealous and fearful bureaucrats. They seen as abundant as ever.


        Funny how it always seems to me that whenever I phone a government agency, or even a bank or credit card office , insurance company, I usually get someone with a middle East accent, likely just me though.. Heck, today I phoned to add another radio to my Sirius XM account, and guess what?


          Yep, I think some foreigners know more about my bank accounts than I do. Pleases don't remind me.


            Center left...more power/control of government with government oversight.
            Center right...more power/control in hands of industry/business with government oversight.
            What needs to be addressed in this country for it to grow?..entitlements, re-distribution of federal powers/controls towards regional, and improving economic confidence and the attitude to risk/invest to foster growth.
            Which political spectrum can best serve/deal with these current issues and yet still having the most positive societal impact potential.
            Consider these scenarios, and regardless of one's political alignment.... the world is undeniably moving towards more open market/trade. whether we like it or not. Which party can best prepare our economy, inspire our people/businesses for the inevitable competition we are going to encounter.
            We don't need more/better social programs...we need efficient social programs.
            The list goes on and on.
            This is a big part of why the current conservatives are in power, and why they should remain.


              The liberals...you know their end game is protecting and preserving Federal/Ontario power, elitism and establishment.
              The Ndp...you know they support taking from the givers and giving to the takers.
              How does that motivate/inspire anything..anyone other than towards complacency?
              I noticed I haven't been called a shithead conservative yet...I'd like to hear from supporters of the other political camps about why I should consider center left...I have my head out of the sand now.


                we need some balance in govt.

                and sadly most Conservative majority
                govt.s end up acting like puppet dictators .
                ( i will say brad wall in some ways has been the exception in that regard,)

                but most end up ,

                filling the shopping list of the most
                powerful of the corporate world.

                perfect example was the RR mess last winter.
                It was never seen as a problem.

                and it was never even monitored ,as a function of a responsible govt.

                (face it their not)

                because it was not a problem to that corporate world.

                even after an uprising of the masses
                after losing billions(farmers , small shippers)
                the response was an unenforceable
                PR band-aid .

                on the other hand

                Now look at the adoption of the
                UPOV seed regulations.

                govt. was right on top of that one.
                no debate no nothing
                How come?
                Was it done for the demands and protests of farmer and consumer or voter Nope .
                if not them, who then ?

                the masters simply told the govt. what to do , and how to do it.
                and it was done.
                a mere housekeeping measure , according to Conservatives.

                If the right , promoted a free competitive market, with regulations
                designed to insure it stays that way.
                like a Ron Paul idea of a marketplace.
                i am totally on board.

                But between Mulroney and Harper ,
                how much control of our business and country has been handed over to big
                money players of the world.

                even when it comes to growing pot.
                when the corporate world decides.
                hey ,there is a lot of money here.

                they direct the govt. to eliminate
                the mom and pop, competition.
                presto it's done

                it is ok for the corporation to grow
                pot but not you,

                it is ok for the corporation to import dirt cheap AG chemicals manufactured in China, but not you.

                get the picture

                as much as i have no love for the corruption of the liberals, and some of the stupid things that come out of Mulclair's mouth.

                old John Chretien , kept us out of
                Iraq, (Harper was all in, remember)

                a generic drug industry was promoted.
                other stuff.
                some independance

                in other words because of the center and left that didn't always
                bend over like the conservitives.
                you have some pretty good things.

                Resource revenues
                old age pensions
                unemployment insurance
                minimum wage
                public seed breeding
                generic drugs (Harper is out to kill that the last 2 , by the way)

                and by the way it was the conservatives , that bankrupted Sask
                and the NDP dug it out.
                and it was the CCF/ Ndp that protected the resource revenues of oil and potash. that we enjoy today.


                  Just saw Pope Francis on tv. He is in Turkey praying in a mosque with muslim religious leaders and also signing a document which calls for moderation.The desire is to end extremism in the middle east.Maybe he got the idea here in Canada.


                    That is too funny if your saying, ending extremism is middle eastern (Ottawa) Canada.


                      No I meant that he might have got the idea of visiting a mosque from a Roman Catholic federal leader here in Canada. The Pope isn't getting the criticism on this forum for his visit to a mosque. How come? There are many strategies needed to combat extremism and ensure a safer world for trade,tourism...


                        I realize that Agriville is a pro Conservative medium and there is no way in hell I can win a debate on here, but Harper has not done the job he promised he would. He is not a Conservative in the first place, but a Reformer who hijacked the Conservative party. That's why many old school Conservatives don't supported Harper.

                        Harper promised he would reform the Senate. What's happened, the exact opposite has happened. In fact come April 7/2015 Mike Duffy will be testifying and the truth will come out about what Harper knew about the $90000.00 cheque.

                        Harper promised transparency yet the Conservatives are the most secretive government of all times. Mp's are not allowed to speak freely and everything must go through the PMO. They hide massive policy changes within the Budget so that ordinary Canadians are unaware of them. The Harper Government tried several times to discredit Kevin Page the Parliamentary Budget Officer on various reports he made, espically on the F-35 costs.

                        The Harper government has increased the federal deficit to 602 billion (2013) an increase of 135 billion since taking power in 2006.

                        The Harper Government who coin the phrase "Support the Troops" in the last week alone has insult every single veteran in Canada with the $1.1 billion unspent funds of Veteran Affairs that was returned to Federal Treasury.While many veterans have mental health issues and are committing suicide waiting for help.

                        I bet all of you enjoy those Economic Action Plan ads the run year round and have costed 100's of millions of dollars. In fact the current one hasn't even been approved in parliament but it's on every commercial break.

                        I could go on and on but many of you here on Agriville are more than happy with the status quo and would vote Conservative(Reformer) no matter what they did. I have never voted NDP in my life and have voted for past original Conservative governments. So keep the lefty remarks to yourselves.


                          I'll concede the conservatives are probably the best.
                          I'll concede canada is one of the better countries,although not the best.

                          But i'm not going to look in the rearview mirror while we are driving forward.

                          The people of saskatchewan and alberta are in a joint and severe union with the rest of canada.

                          Throw out politics and look at people and their behaviour,they WILL vote for whoever promises the most.

                          We are approaching 50% of the populous who takes more than they give back.

                          Most of the provincial budgets are in a complete shambles,they are headed toward default,they dont have control of a currency so the standard options like a soverign default are not open to them,they will be locked out of the capital markets,the hell this will unleash on our banks......

                          They will vote themselves a bailout,it will be like germany supporting greece,or someone who is trying to safe someone from drowning and is drowned themselves.

                          All of this at a 50% tax rate already.Then you die and then what?

                          The laws of math and physics dont take a break during speeches of "hope""change"patriotic"our greatness"

                          I've spent time studying austerity and one guy ended up explaing it the best it went along the lines"it ends up being imposed by the market itself"


                            If "sawfly", "foragefarmer", and "mustardman" were to all put their heads together they could probably solve a lot of problems that farmers face (if they were listened to).

                            They seem to be well educated and level-headed individuals and it is a pleasure to read their comments.

                            Parsley is pretty good too but I'm afraid she has put too much trust in the Harper government and its retarded policies.



                              The problem is the way politicians interpret things.

                              For example. Everyone knows cattlemen are almost making the money they well deserve and my MPs think the herd will grow.

                              In fact the herd will shrink to its lowest numbers because of the age of th e average cattle guy and the fact the 45 year old son has moved on. He ain't coming back to an empty neighborhood.

                              MPs will generously pat themselves on the back thinking they are part of the better times when in fact government ignored ranchers during bse. And lost a generation of good young ranchers in the process.

                              And the saskatchewan government allowed th he industry to consolidate in one week and lose a cow slaughterhouse in moose jaw.

                              Those are some things to put a feather in your hat over?


                                Larry, Moe and Curly. Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk. Why you . . .i oughta. . .

                                Yeah, we'd be in great hands.


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