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New Threat to Wheat Demand

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    New Threat to Wheat Demand

    [URL="http://www.cbc.ca/m/news/business/topstories/cricket-farmer-says-crop-could-help-solve-world-food-shortage-1.2847289"]This will be a real problem for us. [/URL]

    Hey! Read that about 15 minutes ago. lol.

    I agree, we are in trouble. 40 bucks a lb for flour sounds good to me. Got a big shed, Klause?


      Klause...link failed for me. Is this the wheat is poison guy/wheat belly story you're referring to?




          They are probably better for you than wheat..


            You first, Partners!


              Can you believe them frickin numbers,unreal.


                Some of the crap that is in our food these days..the bugs might be a better choice..At least you can pronounce Crickets...


                  I have a relative that is a banker. He lent money to a guy who raised crickets for the pet market. Said the guy was making 6 figures out of a 40 by 50 shed.

                  Why oh why am I full of ideas and plans, but don't pull the trigger on ideas?


                    Three of my family members are Gluten intolerant ..so eating wheat is like "poison" to them...So go from there..


                      Just because peanuts or gluten or lactose or certain drugs are not tolerated by a certain fraction of people....does not make those medicines or foods anywhere akin to a "poison"; except to those who are perculiarly affected.

                      They are a problem to those who are unfortunately not able to tolerate them; but don't be highlighting a minorities intolerances in the same breath as insinuating or not making it clear that only a relative minority are in any way affected at all.

                      Only if the agenda is to deprive conventional cereal grain producers of any and providing more ammunition forA&W propagandist types to shape what will be tolerated in "healthy" foodstuffs.


                        Damn it oneoff, I agree with every sentence you wrote. No fun in that, now I have to go find another pot to stir ;-)


                          In schools and such, why is it the problem of the parents who DON'T have the kids with food allergies. Peanut butter, gluten, fish, milk, my goodness what do you put in your kid's lunch box if the school has afew(or less) kids out of hundreds with food allergies. Don't eat it if you can't tolerate it and the schools have passed the burden on to the majority because they don't want to be resposible for little Johnny or little Mary eating something they're not supposed to and have been warned about. Once again personal responsibility is becomes everyone else's problem.


                            I was listening for the laugh track... never heard it. CBC guy did seeme to be a bit amused by it....but they chose to give it air time and not put the issue into perspective. Bill O'Riellly of Fox News was on a similair kinda anti-wheat kick as well a while back.


                              Before I get pounced on I am sympathetic to those who are intolerant to wheat.


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