Its OK Freewheat..your not alone..
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I apologize for causing problems here. It is obvious now that this character is a trouble maker.
Oh come on folks, He's like the Simon Cowell of American Idol or Kevin O'Leary of Dragon's Den/Shark Tank. Its a love/hate relationship--you love to hate him...
Simon Cowell and Kevin O'leary bloody well speak English as a first language, and do not swear with every second word, because they have some consideration and are relatively couth.
BTO is more like Happy Gilmore. A very deranged, drugged/drunk, and immature Happy Gilmore.
I just don't get it when some say they enjoy his contributions. What contributions? I mean seriously, does anyone have a foggy clue what it is he is even saying?
I'm with you Freewheat. I find it discouraging that anyone could find anything funny or interesting in BTO's posts.
Sadly I think the man is off his meds again.
Hopefully the guys with the straight jackets will come to help him soon before he hurts himself or someone else.
It's easy, skip his posts or don't reply. Don't give him that much power. He is probably happiest when he's under your skin....its only an internet forum, seperate the grain from the chaff. There is alot of good grain to be harvested on this site.
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