My own advice is to get a little bit of background but the big thing is just do with a small volume. Lots of guys take the courses but run out of steam when they have to go through the paper work at the brokerage firm. Like farming you have to get your hands.
A second thought would be to remember futures/options are just a tool/method to accomplish something. Just like your tractor isn't a shiny green/red thing that impresses - its a part of your business that does things to make money. So the first question should be I want to accomplish this goal in my marketing plan - which one of the contracts including futures/options will help me do that.
Finally, have a clear understanding when you are hedging and when you are speculating.
A second thought would be to remember futures/options are just a tool/method to accomplish something. Just like your tractor isn't a shiny green/red thing that impresses - its a part of your business that does things to make money. So the first question should be I want to accomplish this goal in my marketing plan - which one of the contracts including futures/options will help me do that.
Finally, have a clear understanding when you are hedging and when you are speculating.