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Alberta the banana republic

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    From reading Hamloc's post right above yours, I'd say I hit the nail on the head.

    Freewheat you definitely need to be more perceptive in all areas.


      Not much of a democracy? Sounds like the lib-tards on CBC who say that democracy is gone in Canada with Harper. Just because a majority decided they don't think smoking pot is the major national issue, the minority say we're all screwed.

      No different in Alberta. People spoke and Conservative is what they like, time and time again. Offer a party that isn't set out to tax and kill one of your major employers, and maybe they might stand a chance.

      Here in Ontario, the majority like to be taxed to death and have a dyke's finger up their ass, so Liberal is what we get. Democracy isn't gone in this province - but a lot of people here are useless Union-led morons.


        My belief is we need a fiscally responsible government with strong ethics which is why I supported the wild rose party and not the conservatives,if that makes me a neanderthal so be it. I have also concluded you shouldn't write a post when your pissed right off.


          Well, she's a done deal! Pissed off because my MLA was one of the carpet walkers, was a great advocate for our riding, who knows now. Finally talked me into buying a party membership and then he bolts. No way I can support PCA and I sure don't trust Slick Jim and all his promises. Think I'll buy (throw away money) on a Lib membership - we need some kind of opposition. Election in spring now guaranteed. What now Tom4WR? It did prove one thing I always had a feeling about - Dannie S would suck a forty foot dick if there was a drop of opportunity in it! Sorry for being rank Joe. It hurts...



            I kind of like the way Jim Prentice has been working things out... a really good start to righting some nasty dealings by those who ran things down in the past. I truly hope Jim can be another Ralph Klein.

            It is Christmas... may as well be positive and hope for the best!!!

            Merry Christmas!


              That's right tom the tax free salary is no appreciation at all.

              My MP hasn't called or written after numerous efforts.

              But he knows he isn't getting my vote again. That's my appreciation he is getting for his lack of it to the people that sent him to a gold plated pension.


                Whew, for a minute there I thought you were a casualty of the WildRose mutiny. Welcome back.


                  I still say allot of selfserving is the underlying motive versus public service. Anyone refuting this (not absolute though) is in denial.


                    15444, there is a bigger issue than not being happy with who the governing party is. The goings on of the Wildrose party since the spring have been incredible. It transformed from a grassroots party to a top down dictatorship. The executive decided they didn't need to follow the wishes of the party members. At our Constituency AGM this fall the only properly nominated candidates for the office bearer positions didn't get their names on the ballot papers. Like some 3rd world country the names printed were instead some picked by the party executive.
                    Serious challenges to democracy by any standard. That's what I've been fighting.

                    Meanwhile Tom is symptomatic of the problem in Alberta - expecting leopards to change their spots. As the saying goes "Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me." How many times is that you've been fooled now Tom?


                      You're never gonna get a rise outta Tom. I think that's his idea of an olive branch.


                        I don't believe I'm saying this but "**** You Tom I agree more with Grassfarmer"

                        My MLA just switched teams. He's a cheating bastard and I hope he will be sitting on his ass (more likely get a sweet patronage position) after the next election.

                        If they had any morals they would have stepped down and ran for re-election instead of bellying up to the trough.

                        The Wildrose Party is still there, the voters are still there and this just shows the corruptive influence of the PC party in Alberta.


                          Outside looking in...smart/best politics for all conservatives/Albertans. 2 good leaders in one party...nothing wrong with that...tuff one but don't think less of her and rest of them...far from it.
                          You just know the other two parties would destroy/strip that province.


                            Mdog by 'destroying and stripping the province' do you mean the other 2 parties would actually charge a reasonable royalty fee, something more than Zero like now



                              MBdog you can't be serious. Not quite sure your thought process on this one.

                              In order to keep the governing party in line there has to be a viable opposition, which is not the case any more in Alberta. The threat of being defeated in an up coming election is totally gone. Not to mention all the voters who voted Wildrose in the election wanting a political party with different ideas and policies.

                              This is a slap in the face of all Wildrose supporters and all others who worked hard to get the party up and running from the grassroots.

                              This has nothing to do with making a stronger Conservative government, but more about keeping those big salaries and pensions.

                              Mbdog even a die hard Conservative such as yourself must be able to see how wrong this is??


                                I don't think they can foragefarmer, like Tom, MBdog is blinded by hollow ideology that "right" equals good and "left" equals bad. He is sure that anything other than we have now would be bad - on what basis can you make that judgement about a 2014 NDP or Liberal Government? - nothing other than hollow ideology. What about a UFA party, an Alberta Party or a monkey with yellow spots party? I've said it before I have no bias for any one party but for the sake of democracy it HAS to be something other than the one we have now. If nothing changes you give the green light to the corruption, the entitlement, the ability to confiscate property and citizens rights - a dangerous, dangerous path to go down.


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