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Alberta the banana republic

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    People bitch about the politics, but I don't see anyone starting the petition to call back their MLA. You want to send a message, that is how you call them a douche in the public forum.


      Now that things have gone from BAD to WORSE in our screwed up government...maybe voters will see the light and vote for the Liberals JUST TO GET THESE !@#$%^ crooked bastards OUT.


        On that note. And I cant blame you there Will. Maybe a Prentice/Smith fold is better than a REDford/ libtard fold.


          It is amazing how many of you took grinch pills.

          Alberta is still the best place in the world to raise a family and farm.

          As I said before there is much work to be done to fix the problems created over the last 5 years by the AB gov taking away property rights and expanding gov. powers over the economy and our lives.

          I for one say that those who caused the problems... can on balance be the best ones to resolve those issues... with the help of exwildrose MLA oversight.

          Give them a chance to help make a great province... even better!

          Hopefully this is where we want to go.... if not ...

          Be a grinch.

          Merry Christmas and all the best in 2015!!!

          A few hard working people can change the world... if given the opportunity and motivated leadership!



            Tom...sometimes I think you must live in a time warp. The freakin' people who caused the problem are still running the province. The PC caucus is composed of the same group of chiselers as ever.
            Letting them solve things is an exercise in futility. We have to sweep these turkeys OUT...don't you UNDERSTAND?
            43 years of PC rule...totally ridiculous.

            If you think that a handful of Wild Rosies are going to perform miracles in the Prentice gov't then you are dreaming in Technicolor (TM).



              Better to have tried and failed... than to have never tried at all.

              Redford is gone... and now we can clean up the problems.

              A good policy... is to allow new ideas and people behind the closed doors... and change management. Wildrose MLA's who switched obviously need to move reform along... or they are history.

              I hope they will be good leadership and ideas.

              Merry Christmas and a great 2015!



                Tom, how incredibly naive you are. All the bullshit you spouted about the CWB stealing farmers property and confiscating what wasn't theirs. Yet you are happy to back the PC regime that has introduced the most blatant theft of property rights ever attempted in a western democracy.
                I guess it's not really about God and what is right and wrong for you it's all about what is best for your fat pocket. Just like the turncoat floor crossers. Disgusting.


                  Disgusting,always had a hard time wondering who pissed me of more the out front leftist ****s who spit in your face while taking your life or the god damn righties who impose the moral high ground on how you should live your life so frickin bizsare how people are incapable of leaving other people ALONE.


                    Tom has to be on the team that he thinks will win.


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