Farms are getting bigger and profitable. The easiest way for a retailer to trigger a sale is to loosely describe what the "big guys" are doing and/or buying.
They way to trigger a sale to the very large is to describe something larger than them. India and China have each a billion people to feed. They know it's cheaper to import fertilizer and increase yields at home than it is to import grain/food. When they step into the market they will move prices and possibly interrupt supply. So, ACT NOW, protect your margins and secure your supply. You don't want machines sitting, paying men to sit for for 8 hours waiting for anhydrous delivery.
The retailer knows to scare the tiny fish with a small fish, small fish with big fish and big fish with a whale. Dr. Suess retailing at its finest.
Who can argue with Dr. Suess?
They way to trigger a sale to the very large is to describe something larger than them. India and China have each a billion people to feed. They know it's cheaper to import fertilizer and increase yields at home than it is to import grain/food. When they step into the market they will move prices and possibly interrupt supply. So, ACT NOW, protect your margins and secure your supply. You don't want machines sitting, paying men to sit for for 8 hours waiting for anhydrous delivery.
The retailer knows to scare the tiny fish with a small fish, small fish with big fish and big fish with a whale. Dr. Suess retailing at its finest.
Who can argue with Dr. Suess?