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US third-quarter growth revised up to 5.0%

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    US third-quarter growth revised up to 5.0%

    This economic stat is prior to the large drop in energy costs. Lower energy may really boost this thing.

    [URL="http://www.cnbc.com/id/102291457"]3rd Quarter Growth Revised Up[/URL]

    Dow breaking 18000.

    <a href="http://www.cnbc.com/id/102291724"target=blank>18000!</a>

    Are grains coming along too? Are still green this morning.

    It is amazing when the FED is printing money economic growth is weak and when it stops printing economic growth goes way up. Last time that happened was in the mid 1980's.


      ajl, are grains coming along too, or not so much related?

      If fert an' chem was dropping, I'd feel a lot better about profit in grains.


        U.S. job creation exceeding 300,000 jobs for the last month was well above expectations. It will be interesting to see if this amazing job growth continues over the next 2 to 3 months.

        A key barometer will be actual wage growth. That will be a key test to the longevity of this recovery.

        Here's the 'but' . . . but the Fed is hesitating on rate hikes. This suggests that there is lack of confidence in this recovery. An interest rate hike would be a direct threat.

        Is this a historic bubble or is this the way it is supposed to be? 2015 will tell us all . . . .

        Top of the season to all
        Errol and John
        ProMarket Wire



          Fer a Minute There, Thought You Choked on all That Water Yous Had all Summer!!!!!!! Nice Ta See Ya Around, Here's To #AllFlax2015!!!!!!!


            swimmin' hard the last 4 years BTO_farmalll, swimmin' hard. Gettin' tired, Real tired. Little snow now and really hoping we don't get anymore.

            All those flax acres y'all used to grow have moved into Sask, and with the way that rank straw has been lodging the last couple years, we'll be moving into beans just like you.


              We are thick with hoar frost, rain starts mid June, if that lore is accurate!


                Take out 4% for the inclusion of Obamacare and the numbers don't look so good. No wonder the government isn't bragging them up.


                  News is bearish for grains as commodities need printing to go up. I suspect that the FED no longer knows what an interest rate increase is so will keep rates too low too long sparking price increases at the retail level. I don't think it is a lack of confidence at the FED. Another factor currently keeping interest rates low in NA is the fact that nobody wants rubles, yen, rand, yuan, euros etc. so all that money is headed into the US$.


                    If the fed wants to keep interest rates low it has to print money simple as that.

                    As soverign debt matures it has to be continuously be resold at the auctions also including new debt.

                    When the investors show up at the auctions if they dont like the yield the rate of interest is forced up which is what happens under normal conditions. The market itself is suppose to set rates.

                    Everyone is finally coming around to the conclusion rates can not rise. If they do the horrors involved in the economy,the interest rate swaps market,the banking sector are to horrible to bring up on Christmas Eve.

                    Keep in mind almost 50 percent of Japan's government tax revenues now goes to interest payments(last number i heard unconfirmed )and they are as low as they can go.

                    I dont know how everyone else feels but I have a hard time with the thought of paying and my kids paying that in the future.

                    So if you have ever voted in an election and that politician went one penny over budget are you apart of the problem or solution?


                      Also keep in mind something like 60 percent of the accrued debt never did anything but pay interest didnt build a road or hospital or anything.

                      I'll try to find the article.


                        Another fun fact is that about 20% of junk bonds are issued by fraking and high cost oil companies. What do you think the impact on rates will be if those guys have to cash flow debt payments with sub $60 oil?


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