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Dow Jones breaks 18000

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    Dow Jones breaks 18000

    I'm watching CNBC, the business reporters are gleefully showing graphs of growth and timelines. The 4 heavy lifters are Home Depot, a health services group (Obamacare influence?), Nike, and Visa. This still reeks of massive amounts of personal consumer personal debt. Or..... Growth is growth no matter where the money comes from?
    It seems to me the U.S. market hoopla is just a front to keep the ignorant masses encouraged and not thinking of the mathematical impossibility of repaying the national deficit. QE printed money from the Federal Reseve pumped straight into Wall Street/the markets, is as fake as a three dollar bill.
    Does a person let the trend be your friend or keep away.

    The trend is your friend but don't stay to the end.
    The big question is when and how will it end. I don't know the when but the how will not be pretty.


      Seems like all indicators (wage growth, job growth) look positive for usa. Super cheap fuel should be a boost.


        In my opinion oil has not bottomed Brent will hit $50 or lower.


          One of the biggest rallies of all time. I hope everybody's been all in since 2009. That's a good Xmas present for 2014!!! Still positive news in the USA these days. Maybe there's still upside in the Dow for 2015. Who knows?????


            Forage farmer. Remember when Stephen Harper did that interview at the end of 2008? He took ALL KINDS OF FLAK. Because in it, he suggested the market crashing was a "Great buying opportunity".

            Everyone went wild. How could he be so callous, they asked? He has no feelings, said others.

            I wonder how well his portfolio did, and I wonder more, if the leftists had listened and acted, rather than bashed him, would be thanking him personally for his excellent and free advice?

            What do you think...


              Don't worry about the lefties. Most of them probably took the opportunities. You just won't here about it with their outside voice!


                I dunno. When you are on welfare, I am not sure if you know much about investing or have much to set aside in the first place.

                Let alone take advice from someone so evil as that terrible christian fellow, Harper.


                  Look at the size of those share buy backs. Those big shareholders of those companies are going to make a fortune by driving the stock higher. More money chasing fewer shares,money printing,debt monetization,fAked economic numbers,bond market unwind,global currency meltdown......


                    Who knows. The stats and markets are bogus. The Canadian inflation numbers are so screwed up. When gas/diesel prices skyrocketted, as transport costs got factored into every price, so what they do? Just eliminate half the items out of tne basket. Then we can say annual inflation rate is 2%. Just my humble opinion.


                      Freewheat Saskshafe

                      Harper stated Oct,07/2008 good time to invest in the market. The Dow Jones was at 9447 at the close of Oct 7,2007, it then went down till March 09,2009 to 6547.That's a 30.7% drop. That's also five months before the bottom.

                      This was nothing more than a shot in the dark statement from Harper. He gave no market strategy, reference to technical data or charts, or economic news to justify the statement. In fact Harper didn't even realize that the Canadian and world economies were tanking. That's when his statement about investing came out. Hardly good marketing advise.

                      Did either of you put any money in the market on Oct 8,2008 or are you both just making a lot of noise? I doubt either you did!!!

                      Freewheat, keep up the good work defending Harper, I'm sure next year you'll get put on his Christmas list.


                        Wake up forage. U think Trudeau or Mulcair are any different. Now a days its more about picking the guy that can hurt u the least. They just want there shot at screwing things up worse.


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