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Gold out of hiding - Merry Christmas Everyone

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    Ado, what does the supply of gold have to do with a productive economy? You think there is a relationship, has there ever been one?


      There isnt a relationship, that's the problem. If you have a limited supply of currency and an expanding economy things would get out of control real quick.


        I guess my first question back to you ado would be what is a more productive workforce?

        However, instead of pulling a political move and avoiding your question, have you looked at the global debt facility and the amount of gold, silver, and other real commodities that it has in it's vaults. The little bit of gold circulating around the world and even the fake gold in the form of derivatives pales in comparison. Why would we need more. As with any true commodity, the value could increase as demand grew.
        I guess you are just used to the QE and other names given over the years to the fraudulent printing of money that the Fed and other central banks have based their "increased supply" on in the past. Can't just make gold out of thin air just yet. LOL

        The point of this shift, that has already happened by the way, is far more than basing a currency on something real. It is about stopping the theft of so called interest that we were paying to a small group at the top of this pyramid scheme. A small group that showed other greedy folk how to make money off society's slaves and really did not have to even do much of anything anymore to keep the flow coming their way. Other than maybe support and encourage division among human's.

        This shift will allow and encourage the thing that so many presidents and leaders who "got it" tried to do in the past.

        Have a look at what Kennedy had up his sleeve before he was shot. Or even good old Ronnie Regan. Or more importantly, the founding fathers of the wonderful republic of the United States of America. Allow the republic to print the money and back it with something, anything but thin air. And quit paying interest to the cabal who have this figured out or those who they have trained t make money off the slaves in the form of fractional reserve banking or stock markets filled with easily manipulated bullshit stories.

        The problem has been identified and it is simply greed. And the way to change it is to sever the head of the serpent who simply relies on entropy and division in the first place and watch the cards fall. The wonderful part about the Global Debt Facility plan is that there is a wonderful option to either a free fall of the house of cards or another war which would keep the division card in play and feed the greed machine with economic activity like building war machines and rebuilding in the fake and false compassionate way that we have seen in every war in history. True compassion and true love for man kind and mother earth does not involve destruction and suppression.

        That should jar another response from you sumsmartguy. Never forget, you are what you think...LOL

        And BTW, I was around in the seventies and started my own little quest for personal wealth and ownership back then. I have paid the system millions in usery and taxes and went through the embarrassment phase very quickly.

        I am no longer afraid to say I love you..... peace out... LOL


          Now that we have your attention Hopperbin.

          Hope the life in you has not run out of your bottom yet...

          No matter what problem we look at today, regardless of scope or gender, demographic statistic or geographic location we can provide a solution; if we throw enough money at it…

          And therein lies the actual problem.

          The fundamental problem the human species faces today is the current monetary system. I submit that only by completely revamping the monetary system will we be successful as a species.

          Currently the monetary system is controlled by a “for profit” Central Banking system. The major problem with this system is the idea of profit itself. Profit means “to obtain a financial advantage or benefit”. Unlike barter, the concept of profit necessitates a winner and a loser in any transaction. Most people are not aware that the current monetary system is a for profit system designed to create wealth and power for those that control the system, just as one would profit from the oil or manufacturing industry. Central banking is the business of controlling the monetary system to enrich only those that wield control of the system.

          “Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who makes its laws” ~ Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild

          The business of banking rests on two pillars. One is foreclosure, the other is usury, or more commonly called interest.

          When a man or company or Government takes a “loan” from a bank, the bank actually creates a new digital entry into the system under the borrower’s associated account. It is imperative to understand that this is a digital entry for new “never before been in existence” digital currency.

          Regarding the business of foreclosure, if the “borrower” never pays the “loan” back, the bank can foreclose on an outstanding “loan” and then gains control of a tangible asset like a car or a property. Yet the fact is that the bank never risked anything to begin with. The digital currency created at the time of the “loan” is not a tangible thing. It doesn’t exist. It’s like getting the “blessing” of the Bank to go and purchase something. This is a simplification of the system but it is basically a correct understanding. This scheme has worked like a charm for them…

          “They will be stripped of their rights and given a commercial value designed to make us a profit and they will be non the wiser, for not one man in a million could ever figure our plans and, if by accident one or two would figure it out, we have in our arsenal plausible deniability”. ~ Edward Mandell House

          Regarding the business of usury, whenever a “loan” of non-existent currency is created there is also an interest charge built into the contract. When the borrower pays back the “loan” they are also required to pay back an interest charge that is over and above the newly created currency. The point to understand here is that the interest due was not created along with the new digital currency and thus a shortfall of currency is actually built into the system. Thus bankruptcy is a fundamental component of the current monetary system because there is always a shortage of currency. If every dollar of debt in existence today were to be paid back right now, all the interest would still be outstanding. This is the mathematical formula that has been used for centuries in order to steal tangible wealth from the actual creators of that wealth.

          “It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning. ” ~Henry Ford

          Having said all that, you might be intrigued and start to gain the understanding that only the bankers can win, but you might also say “so what”? People should be able to profit, after all, profit is the motivating factor in our world.

          I submit that the concept of profit is the fundamental core of what is destroying the human species. If a larger, stronger man takes control of another man and subjugates him simply because he can, that is tyranny, and we as a species have evolved to see that this ethically wrong. Now we as a species have to evolve our understanding of the current monetary system to see that we are being subjugated into continuing to propagate the greatest control mechanism ever developed on this planet.

          Let’s play the “If” game for a second.

          If profit was taken out of the equation; do you think that cancer would still be a major threat to our species?

          If profit was not a requirement; do you think that we would be using oil as the fundamental energy source used throughout the world today?

          If the concept of profit was not in the human consciousness; do you think that “health” centres would ever refuse to treat the ill? Or actual cures for diseases would be shelved by Big Pharma?

          If profit was not the driving factor of agriculture; do you think that we could easily feed the population of the world?

          If everyone on the planet never had to worry about shelter or having enough food to eat or clothes to wear, would having more than you need be a consideration?

          The concept of “profit” is what is holding us back as a species. We have been indoctrinated into a short term “take what we can NOW” philosophy that is based on the fallacy of continuous growthand competition. I submit that we would be far better off if we forged our future by cultivating the creative use of our finite resources using a co-operative intellectual methodology.

          Study after study has shown that the world’s hunger and housing problems could be solved very quickly if a certain amount of money where to be thrown at those two problems. Studies show ending world hunger would cost around 30 billion dollars per year (vs $684 billion for the 2010 U.S. military budget). The fact that we as a species have not eliminated hunger proves that this problem is actually being facilitated. Is that acceptable to you? If it is, then all of us (but the few of the elite at the top of the control pyramid) are doomed.

          Profit stifles as much creativity as it generates. Just look at the alternate technologies that have been suppressed because they would have upset the current paradigm, technology such as almost free and truly sustainable energy and anti-gravity devices. If either of these technologies ever went main stream the oil economy would take a huge hit and there would be an immediate shift in the controlling power structure.

          The concept of profit is the paradigm that must be shed in order for us to move forward as a compassionate, free and intelligent species. It is the concept of profit that is the shovel we use to dig our own graves.

          “Problems are best solved not on the level where they appear to occur but on the next level above them….Problems are best solved by transcending them and looking at them from a higher viewpoint. At the higher level, the problems automatically resolve themselves because of that shift in point of view, or one might see there was no problem at all.” ~David R. Hawkins

          Abandoning just one concept, the concept of profit and our species will thrive for centuries to come.


            The fractional reserve system is not the problem. Failing to let the economy exhale is. Leveraged profit should come with the risk of leveraged loss.


              For those of you gold bulls on here who invest in gold do you purchase:

              A) physical gold
              B) gold on paper
              C) invest in a gold mining company
              D) ETF
              E) other


                History has proven time and time again that if people are not driven by greed they become mired in apathy.


                  All profit comes from energy ado. Energy comes from life.

                  Nice that you have a unique perspective, however talking about a none life entity like the economy or a financial system breathing is just ****ing weird... LOL

                  Life has compassion and can not be avoided. Profit and suppression/loss, does not.


                    Rk, ado's comparison in metaphorical.

                    On another thought: Why don't we all just go out and spend and borrow beyond our means. The consequences of default seems inconsequential. Slates get wiped clean, Garnishers can't kick anyone to the curb, your rights to basic necessities trumps your Creditor's right to collect your debt. No personal responsibility. Does the fractional reserve banking system allow for a percentage of default. What's holding you back? Morals?


                      Farmaholic, good question. I keep trying to convince myself t do that. Borrow big and go big. If it doesn't work, bankrupt . No big deal, Broadacre just did that to the tune of 46 million. So, why don't I desire to operate the very best equipment, strive for maximum yeild and live in considerably more comfort?
                      I don't know why a person is more comcerned about losing what they have gained instead of trying maximize their real potential.


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