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Predictions for farming in 2015!

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    Predictions for farming in 2015!

    The experts always spout about what will happen with Ag in each year so lets let farmers actually guess what will happen in 2015.
    My predictions real simple.
    We may as well get use to low prices because we are in a down cycle and get use to it its the new reality. Making Canola work at 9 is the new normal. Hrs at 6 new normal.
    Land will stabilize as the big investors realize their late for the game. Ten years ago was the time to buy and last summer and spring was the time to sell.
    Rent will be high into spring as lots of young bucks have no clue what's going on. Its farming basic one oh one. Never underestimate the power of mother nature. Good or bad. The bitch wins.
    Every input is going up and will continue as the companies try to gouge us farmers for every red cent we have. They don't care if we make nothing its just the way it is. Spend spend spend its all a numbers game and our numbers need to show a profit the farmers don't matter.
    The world is running out of food is bull shit it was every time some genius talks about it. We can produce more than is needed and always will be able to. Countries with populations going nuts don't really give a shit about their poor like we do. No media will tell the real story so as long as they have the basics prices will remain low.
    Equipment will be still way to expensive as the companies try to cut back production and keep price up. They might offer incentives like 0 interest or 2% lease options but its hunker down mode and just keep production controlled.
    Our dollar will continue to drop to about the 72 cent range welcome to the good times boys. Where that new combine is 600000 because it has to look at your dollar. Price of grain is 6 for wheat well we adjusted for the dollar and you get 4 have a great day.
    Chemicals fert every thing will rise except your take home.
    Fuel the diesel game is going on great in Canada. Today their is over .35 cents a liter diff at the pumps and will continue. Time to park the Duramax and get back to gas.
    Putin is down and kicking but he is smarter than Obama or the Saudi prince. It will be interesting his next move.
    Australia will have a drought and South America will have lower production. But with the rest of the shit show prices wont gain much. If anything.
    Weather well this is simple if the fall and winter cycle continues it will be interesting here as well. Looks like I might get my wish. Looks like some others might not.
    Politics watch Trudeau and Mulcair join up and take out the Tories.
    Brad will have some more health issues and the oil crash will make for some interesting times as the cash coming in will drop and unemployment will go up.
    Riders will not do much this year as its a rebuild year before the stadium is ready.
    So from the sunny south have a great new year. Lets see who's right this time next year. Farming is about seeing what's coming before you get to it. Growing wheat in a dry year will make more money than Canola if your in a non traditional area. Tip one!
    Ouch its cold at home today!
    Happy New Year!

    Lets me clarify Brad wont have personal health issues it will be on going problems with that Stupid NDP building that stupid General Hospital in the Hood.


      Farmers will whine endlessly regardless what happens? Or is that just a sure thing and not a prediction?


        Tweety tell us what you think will happen in 2015 Were all interested. Saying farmers whine was initially told by elevator managers and seed sales man. Ah farming now what's your perdition. Experts have theirs lets here yours.


          SF3, are you insinuating tweety ISN'T an "expert"? LOL


            Funny! I always like to write down my guesses for what the year will be and see how close they come.
            Some years really good guess some not.
            Ah that's farming. Last year I thought we would have normal rain missed that one by about 12 inches. or more.


              My prediction is for more of the same.


                My prediction is we will continue to see less government control and in its place we will see the rail and grain and seed oligopolies use their market power to put more of farmers margin in their pockets.

                More specifically

                new seed rules

                poor price discovery in local grain markets and irrelevant futures markets.

                Since elevators are not full politicians will assume railways are doing a fine job.


                  Good points!


                    The law of supply and demand will prevail to drive prices. Opportunities will emerge but one will need to respond very quickly. Those who are complaining about their plight now will be the same ones complaining a year from now. Those with realistic goals and well laid out plans will dominate those waiting for things to fall into their laps. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

                    I'm looking forward to the new year and its challenges. I hope I make enough positive decisions I can spend more time in the heat during the winter, besides cuddling up by the fireplace.


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