Winter wheat deteriorated in the month of Dec., particularly in Illinois where the crop was hobbled by delays in planting, monthly state reports issued by the USDA showed on Monday.In Illinois, USDA rated 24% of the wheat crop as good/excellent as of Sunday, down from 56% in its last state report, released Nov. 24. South Dakota wheat rated 58% good/excellent versus 69% a month ago. Kansas wheat rated 9% poor/very poor (up 5 points) and 49% good/excellent (down 12 points).
Arctic air surge puts US SRW wheat at risk of winterkill. An arctic blast hitting the US Midwest this week will put a third of the dormant soft red winter (SRW) wheat crop at risk of damage, agricultural meteorologists said Monday. “It looks like extensive sub-zero temperatures on Wednesday night in the soft wheat belt will leave one-third of the belt at risk for damage,†Joel Widenor, senior forecaster with Commodity Weather Group, told Reuters Ags Forum online chatroom.
Man its cold out side! Strike one on USA wheat it has 8 lives yet to live.
Arctic air surge puts US SRW wheat at risk of winterkill. An arctic blast hitting the US Midwest this week will put a third of the dormant soft red winter (SRW) wheat crop at risk of damage, agricultural meteorologists said Monday. “It looks like extensive sub-zero temperatures on Wednesday night in the soft wheat belt will leave one-third of the belt at risk for damage,†Joel Widenor, senior forecaster with Commodity Weather Group, told Reuters Ags Forum online chatroom.
Man its cold out side! Strike one on USA wheat it has 8 lives yet to live.