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Grain Companies made out like Bandits last year! No surprise here!

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    Grain Companies made out like Bandits last year! No surprise here!

    Bumper corn, soy harvests send Cargill profits soaring

    Cargill emerged as one of the winners of the bumper US corn and soybean harvests, seeing its earnings soar 41%, as strong crop volumes boosted its grain handling operations, while low ag prices lifted processing margins.

    The US-based group - with Archer Daniels Midland, Bunge and Louis Dreyfus one of the big four agricultural trading houses – reported earnings of $784m for the September-to-November period, its best quarterly performance in more than two years.

    For many agriculture groups, such as farm machinery makers, record US corn and soybean harvests have been a negative, with the resulting crop price weakness hitting farm income, and growers' willingness of invest.

    However, for grain merchandisers, the high crop volumes have allowed them to operate at higher rates, so spreading overheads, while users such as soybean crushers and livestock producers have enjoyed lower raw material costs.

    'All about execution'

    "Just as last quarter's focus was on getting ready for North America's big harvest, the current quarter was all about execution," said David MacLennan, Cargill's chief executive.

    "Our team did an excellent job serving farmer customers and fully utilising our supply chains to meet domestic and export demand."

    Cargill, which as a privately-owned group does not divulge details of its results, said that the large crops saw profits at its origination and processing segment rise "considerably".

    "Record corn and soybean harvests in the US, combined with strong domestic and export demand, boosted soybean origination, crush volumes, and bean and meal exports," the group said, if highlighting continued weakness in South American results from crop hoarding by growers.

    Weakening currencies in Brazil and, especially, Argentina have encouraged farmers to withhold sales, with crops representing a dollar-denominated hedge against currency declines and rising inflation.

    Sidesteps oil price hit

    The animal production and nutrition division saw profits rise "significantly" year on year, helped by strong meat prices at a time of depressed grain values.

    "Results were led by Australian beef processing, and US cattle feeding and pork processing," Cargill said.

    The animal feed operation saw profits rise "moderately", helped by the lower prices of raw materials such as grains.

    The growth in the protein and origination and processing divisions more than offset earnings declines in food ingredients, which were undermined by a drop in cocoa and chocolate profits, and in industrial and financial services, where profits in shipping and metals trading fell.

    Cargill said, however, that it was not caught out by the slump in oil prices, saying that "energy earnings rose on a combined basis, reinforced by effective risk management in volatile global oil markets".

    Wait till the Canadian numbers are made avail - just like banks - legalized theft


      Furrow I have been criticised over the years for being hard on Grain companies, Fert. Chem, companies and Seed companies and wana be Farmers from Toronto and China.
      I was told last winter the Railways were doing a great job and I was just complaining.
      Well as the years go by Some are finally seeing what has happened to Agriculture in Canada.
      Basis is idiotic when you take the dollar into account were getting screwed about a 1 to 2 less than we should be getting for all grains.
      Canola is a shit show where its priced and HRS my god the Wheat board screwed us with no cash and waiting years for cash now we have a system where the grain companies pay shit all but we at least don't have to wait for it, so I guess we did get something.
      F%^K farmers wake up were getting screwed and we are to blame. Yes being nice is working so good.

      Useless fines and we lose billions. So the government forgot about us farmers.

      Useless seed rules that some on here fought me tooth and nail because they had a few good crops and thought the sky is the limit. This is farming a few good years is not a Farm. Canola seed makes no sense for useless varieties you think the same companies will be any different with wheat.

      God why as a group cant we figure it out its us against them. Yet we hold the golden egg. They need us not the other way around.


        Only way to get what we deserve is to pull out sprayer chemfallow everything and sit back and watch the massive layoffs in this country then maybe we will dictate what a fair price is for what we produce. Everybody will be done farming if this theft continues on.


          I agree its just amazes me how one of canadas and USAs richest families buys and sell grain. Not coal not Oil not lumber but Grain.
          Hm no profit their.
          But yes if we as a group continue to follow this Bullshit notion the world is out of food and we have to fulfill the life long dream of being providers of food, yes we will become more and more poor and they will become more and more rich.
          I don't want much just a meager profit at the end of a year.
          But we have to fight every single thing from railways to elevators to grading to insurance to freight to supplies to fuel.
          AG more than ever.
          Maybe should be stand together and take control.


            Vote with your wallet and grain
            -Avoid the line companies for inputs
            -Get advice from those (Ado) who are moving their grain around the system.


              Good point furrow. We use 80% purchases from independents thinking of going 100 this year.
              Also need like Klause to spend more time in SD and start new relationships.
              Also man the Companies are in for one hell of a surprise when Canola wont get 15 million acres next year.
              Flax Durum Peas Lentils all up!
              Canola and HRS down.
              Go back to selling peas to a independent instead of the elevators as they wrecked that market.


                Maybe we should get all our check off dollars back and set up shop in Ottawa have people there that get in the face of our gov. Officials some one that speaks for farmers .Useless all these other groups that say they stand up for the farmer sure they do ha!!


                  Furrow, for those who need credit input supply, how do the independents stack up? Are they linked up with lenders so you don't have to write a check up front???

                  I think this is why the line companies get most of their business. Available credit for those in need of it, and long repayment periods...

                  Of course, you have to have an independent within reasonable distance. some of us do not have that, let alone someone with more than one nh3 truck...


                    Most are great with credit if you need it - no diff than line companies.
                    Line companies use the scare tactic of 'we cant take your grain unless you get your inputs here" Last year gave them the perfect set up.
                    Just an option that may or may not be there - food for thought - do what you wish and makes sense for you.
                    Just pointing out there are options.
                    I know I have been hard against line companies lately but the past 18 months has been a eye opener in this area. They have not earned one dollar of my business, and they need to be reminded its farmers money that keeps their lights on - not the other way around.


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