The "ag boom" isn't over yet SF3 - feeder cattle up again since new year. Sold some little 8 month old steers for $1840 yesterday.
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take a look at copper . . . .
near 10% drop in last two days.
this is a reflection of global economic health ie: China.
we are now witnessing broad-scale commodity market re-pricing.
anybody been to crop production show? what's the mood. fcc still lendin'? where's fall prices at?
Late November had top 8 month calf sold for 2090.00. My grain land may go down in price but got a crap load of grass that will now be sale able or rent for a good price now. I always thought if you have both cattle and grain you will never get rich or go broke on the highs and lows. Admit BSE and frozen crop the same year almost proved me wrong.
Cattle are going to keep Ag overall Ag outlook positive for the next two years regardless of grain.
For the cattle guys - good on them , they deserve it, they were drug through the mud far too long
Guys . . . there could be a meat glut in the U.S. by the last half of 2015.
Cheap corn is going to be fed through animals . . . which will show up as record-breaking carcass weights.
Wholesale beef demand will be the key barometer to the health of spring cattle prices. The cattle board is now sending a clear warning of a market change.
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