Oil down- inflation up as all other sectors should benefit from declining freight costs. In last run up, rail freight more than doubled, now watch them come down! Oops, are fuel surcharges still there? Oh yeh and freight costs are sticky. What can one do to get the ball rolling?
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seabass . . . Don't know how long
But the drop in metals ie copper, nickel, iron etc is a strong indication of worsening economies.
China consumes 45 percent of global copper.
Through Obama admin, the US debt will spiral from 9 to 20 trillion. Insane and the Dow is at record highs . . . Go figure
I'll be frank
We are all going to get kicked in the ass
PS the US administration now wants to increase government worker family time to 6 weeks.
Must go back to my cave now . . .
Come on folks - In 2008 ish, the bankers and greedy folks who make money for doing NOTHING but gamble need got caught. They coerced the government into bailing out the BANKS and allowing trickle down economics... LMFAO. Then QE and injections of cash that also went the way of the top of the ponzie scheme. Less middle class, more poor folks.
Do any of you think we should fall for this any longer.
So bloody much opportunity and suppressed technology out there.
The shift has happened and it will be nothing but good for everyone and everything. Other than for those who feel they need more than they TRULY do.
Everyone here is doom and gloom but what positive steps can we all take to prepare.
My thoughts.
1) Don't fall in love with the asset values on your net worth.
2) Manage your balance sheet with an emphasis on debt including both total amount and structure.
3) Continously work toward profitability. If 2015 budgets don't show profit, make the decisions that make them work.
4) Cash flow is critical in tough times. Know when you need your money and a basic idea of what will be sold to pay the bills.
5) Have a understanding of the risk factors in your business and take the steps you can take to manage (accept, mitigate or insure). Risk management will mean giving up opportunities but it is also protection against stuff/minimizing pain when stuff happens.
6) Relax as best possible and concentrate on the day stuff in your business. You have dealt with stuff in the past (some of us have long memories) and you use this experience in the future.
Has anyone talked to FCC lately? Are they still bullish? It seems to me as long as they are still giving money away, the bubble in western Canada will continue to inflate.
Dow Jones and even TSX are owned and manipulated by the same elite group that got paid last time round in 2008.
It ain't rocket science boys.
They are desperately trying to hold on while Russia steps in with the death knell.
Petro dollar done - money folks hiding dough wherever they can.
Time for the global reset.
GREED is the only thing that is going to get it's ass kicked.
All good. Those of you who made out like bandits on the backs of other farmers and ranchers who could not hold on better sell off some of them thar land assets (your own little kingdoms) before they lose value as well.
Less acres - more farmers... about ****ing time.
I think when good programs are developed that can provide good usable data, drones will be a good thing. just having a GoPro strapped on it will make nice pictures but not much else. I will adopt this in a few years when the bugs are worked out. I expect to replace current satellite imagery we are paying for with this otherwise its not worth it.
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