The mood at the Saskatoon farm show could be summed up like a guy at a auction sale with hands in their pocket to scared the guy will look at them as it might be a bid.
Yes their were people. Every one needs to look at new stuff, seed, machinery, fert etc. We farm that's what we do. Also its a place to get out and blow off some steam with old friends we run into and some new.
But next week is Brandon and Manitoba is usually more up beat than Sask because of more crops they can grow. Potato's to Soy to corn wheat barley and some canola.
Their is a piece of property that I have noticed is available on line for bidding. It is Chinese property that Broad ass farmed last year with a horrendous bid. Bid is hovering right now at $30.00 a acre. That is to low for the property but what will the final number be. It is also below their min.
Locals are pissed the group used Broad ass in the first place so bids might be lower because its a little backlash.
Equipment dealers show room you could shoot a gun across the floor and hit no one, even the parts and service counters are slow.
All dealers are sitting on inventory from 2014 that never sold.
Air drills new that you still could order for spring seeding.
Yes some didn't believe me when I said the boom in Grain was over. Well boys the shit has hit the fan. Who gets splattered on time will tell.
Their are deals for cash but cash is being held tight do to uncertainty.
Fert unfortunately the companies are doing a fine job and we will be over paying for this along with seed and chem.
Ah farming what a great life lesson.
Yes their were people. Every one needs to look at new stuff, seed, machinery, fert etc. We farm that's what we do. Also its a place to get out and blow off some steam with old friends we run into and some new.
But next week is Brandon and Manitoba is usually more up beat than Sask because of more crops they can grow. Potato's to Soy to corn wheat barley and some canola.
Their is a piece of property that I have noticed is available on line for bidding. It is Chinese property that Broad ass farmed last year with a horrendous bid. Bid is hovering right now at $30.00 a acre. That is to low for the property but what will the final number be. It is also below their min.
Locals are pissed the group used Broad ass in the first place so bids might be lower because its a little backlash.
Equipment dealers show room you could shoot a gun across the floor and hit no one, even the parts and service counters are slow.
All dealers are sitting on inventory from 2014 that never sold.
Air drills new that you still could order for spring seeding.
Yes some didn't believe me when I said the boom in Grain was over. Well boys the shit has hit the fan. Who gets splattered on time will tell.
Their are deals for cash but cash is being held tight do to uncertainty.
Fert unfortunately the companies are doing a fine job and we will be over paying for this along with seed and chem.
Ah farming what a great life lesson.