I'll send him a reminder in Swedish. Betcha no one thought to tell him... ;= >
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Humour guys please take it that way
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May not feed the world but help feed the 1.2 bill in China .
There is more food thrown out in a day in North America than some nations get in a year - just sayin we still produce more than enough already
Most third world countries keep their population hungry to help feed the world wide war machine
Words I should live by at times....
Better to be silent and thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.
You gotta make hay when the sun shines and it's hard to soar like and eagle when your hangin with the turkeys.
Working cattle.. the more you hurry the slower you go.
Always drive the truck so you don't have to open the gate.
The banker is not your friend.
Put the box down before you drive away.
Tell your wife there's a new four foot deep washout in the field before she takes over rowing up bales for you.
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