kaiser, although I do follow blogs and news, and editorials, and u-tubes describing the daily atrocities that Islamists carry out, I don't bookmark CTV.
I did go straight to the authentic source, though, ... the Qur'an itself.
But neither does reading the holy book present the big picture to infidels such as myself. One must also read the specific regulations that enforce the morality of Islam. These regulations lie within their law:,Sharia Law. And they are explicit.
Mind you, the morality of the Qur'an becomes very clear about the superiority of men, and the fate of agnostics and infidels, once one understands that those regulations pertain to the Qur'an.
The real power, and influence of Islam upon everyday living, lies within all the regulations buried in the legalities of Sharia Law. I now know the legally-religious way to beat a woman without leaving a mark.
Islam's Surahs , sick succinct rules, are explicit, but you have probably taken the time to read them. Most Islamic sympathizers don't. The Surahs are indefensible; both illegal and morally reprehensible in Western society
I've done some research on Sharia Law, straight from the camel's mouth, so to speak, and in particular as it pertains to women, infidels and goals. And I concluded Sharia Law is an abomination when it enforces "Slay the idolaters whenever you find them, (9:5) This is not l my idea of how to fit into Western culture.
Perhaps you read Surah (9:121), which states, "Provoking non-Muslims is a good deed in the sight of God.", which would explain some of your comments.
I did go straight to the authentic source, though, ... the Qur'an itself.
But neither does reading the holy book present the big picture to infidels such as myself. One must also read the specific regulations that enforce the morality of Islam. These regulations lie within their law:,Sharia Law. And they are explicit.
Mind you, the morality of the Qur'an becomes very clear about the superiority of men, and the fate of agnostics and infidels, once one understands that those regulations pertain to the Qur'an.
The real power, and influence of Islam upon everyday living, lies within all the regulations buried in the legalities of Sharia Law. I now know the legally-religious way to beat a woman without leaving a mark.
Islam's Surahs , sick succinct rules, are explicit, but you have probably taken the time to read them. Most Islamic sympathizers don't. The Surahs are indefensible; both illegal and morally reprehensible in Western society
I've done some research on Sharia Law, straight from the camel's mouth, so to speak, and in particular as it pertains to women, infidels and goals. And I concluded Sharia Law is an abomination when it enforces "Slay the idolaters whenever you find them, (9:5) This is not l my idea of how to fit into Western culture.
Perhaps you read Surah (9:121), which states, "Provoking non-Muslims is a good deed in the sight of God.", which would explain some of your comments.