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    Charlie Liep, could you specify what value and richness immigrants bring to a country. I don't see it. As a country we have values and are generally as good or better than those of other countries. To enjoy the richness of another culture or country, you pretty much have to go there. I favour the Swiss approach, where you can go there, which I have done, but you can only become a citizen after many years, and even then, there are regulations to minimize gaining citizen ship. Immigration is wonderful to provide cheap labour and keep wages low. It requires increased housing so inflates housing costs and requires more developments, all of which benefit large corporations. It also provides of a voting population which has little background on the what has benefitted our country in the past, but which will eagerly vote for the party which appears to readily accept more immigration. Thus, we continue to give away natural resources and receive basically wages in return, which after taxes, do not keep up to inflation.And pay more taxes to accommodate immigration. Multiculturalism is vastly oversold and overrated, and allows those politically adept to benefit themselves at the expense of the citizens. But it does make Canada more like the rest of the world. I've been to the Persian Gulf and seen how immigrants are treated there. As usual, be careful what you wish for, you just might get it. I'm pretty much an atheist, but I believe the Bible has some good rules for living, and I believe the Tower of Babel contains an important message.


      In answer to your first question. Because they are a part of my world. So I guess I am selfish because the friends I have benefit me by making me think different. Strange comment but many of the places in the world I have visited is because of a friendship I developed and a natural curiousity that they gave me. As an example, Sri Lanka and India are on my bucket list.


        Holy batchit catwoman. You are on a roll aren't you pars.

        Koran - BiBull. Potaitoe Potato.

        And you say you are not lumping muslim's under one roof.

        OMG woman, picking out the horrible way that some muslim's treat women is obviously your first cause but this stuff about beheading has to be challenged.

        Is Netenyahoo a hero of yours for not only beheading but belimbing and behearting and begutting innocence Palestinian children.

        I study the slaughtering of cattle and have decided that the least pain that we can exert on a slaughter steer is not through stunning but by taking the carotid and jugular together in one fast cut. I can send you studies to show the levels of brain activity in both a stunned and a traditionally Halal slaughtered steer. Whoops, did I refer to the conscious harvest of an animal with a religious word.... Maybe I shoulda used Kosher. The challenge of the past at the slaughter house has always been restraint and speed of the kill line. We are moving beyond that now and will soon have our own conscious HALAL /KOSHER option.

        So your CBC CTV propaganda machines are being used by ISIS and other extremist groups who you do not believe were created by the CIA and filled with mercenary criminals as I do.

        Or what do you believe Pars. Besides your opinion that Islamic law will be the end to this beautiful country and the world that you know it to be.

        prior to your next reply, please have a look at this amazing article and video --- or don't...

        As Star Trek says, there is no interrupting free will.

        Once again, I applaud your efforts and time put into your posts. Obviously have some followers as well.



          Boko Haram are declared terrorists throughout the Western world. Not only that, but they kill thousands of their Nigerian neighbours and friends and family in the name if Islam. Should we favour applications forms from the heart of Boko Haram areas instead of accepting Irish, Kiwis, Japanese or ppl from India? No one living in hot spot areas... Al Queada or Boko Haram or ISIS or Hamas or whoever lives in a terrorist hot spot, should have immigiration considerations over those applications that do not come from hot spot areas.

          Somalian slaughter and brutal ****, all in the name of Islam, is imprinted on the minds of most people who watched our troops on TV, under Gen. Delaire, stationed there, fail miserably.

          Do you suppose it is in the interests of Canadians to choose to import Somalian men in a refugee camp instead of men from Poland or Hungary? Do you have any idea what googling 'somalian men ****' will bring up? In 2015? And yes, I realize it's a "woman-problem"

          Okaying applications, from cultures who consider **** as a weapon of Islamic jihad, ahead of accepting applications from stable cultures, is simply not acceptable. And I will indeed speak out against it.

          Canadians do have a choice to make wise selections from the long lists of applications that are growing every year. And those choices must also be based upon what is SAFE for all our men, and women, and children. Parsley


            Been away, yes Pars you are correct. I was not aware of the MUSIC angle! Just makes your head spin hearing of such a religion/book.
            Now charlie, I would definitely support immigrants renouncing any SICK TWISTED OUTDATED religion that is contrary to our culture/constitution/laws, to enter Canada.


              rkaiser, you mentioned netanyahu, if you lived in israel and were constantly being attacked by terrorists and cowardly suicide bombers from countries that have openly stated that they would like to see the destruction of israel, would you not defend yourself ? In your opinion are jewish people just as important as arab people? Or any other people for that matter.


                Charlie, Sri Lanka is tremendously beautiful country as is India. But you wouldn't want to emigrate there would you. Poverty and the caste system do not compare to what we have for have nots in this country.
                It would seem that our values are quite different than the ruling classes there. Our country should try to protect basic human rights through out the world and it should and could be done, but we don't need to have them all come here to save them. The human race is all part of my world as well, and I believe they should be protected by all countries. Personally I would'nt want to enlist or have my children enlist to fight terrorism and **** and torture in another country, but if I was asked, I would go and pull a trigger to stop Boko Haram from doing what they did to those schoolgirls and other victims.


                  Okay pars - I give. Comparing the disgusting tactics of Zionist from Isreal (yes there is a difference between Zionists and Jews stonepicker) will never work with your continued and well based thoughts on extremists.

                  Thought I could back you off with the eye for an eye theory but we all know that an eye for an eye will simply blind the entire planet.

                  I met a young lady from war torn Africa on a plane trip from Vancouver a few months back and she spoke of how and why her and her sister and little boy fled to Canada. She spoke about how there is no true hunger in Africa, just warring radicals supported by money and arms from outside their continent, who yes have lost respect for the lives of fellow human beings. Her father was a prominent business man who stood against capitalist, corrupt government and was subsequently shot in front of her sister and herself in their garden. I am sure she had wonderful male friends that would have liked to join her here in Canada, but according to your rules pars, these people from areas like this need to be banned.


                    Rather than worrying so much about who we allow into our country pars, we could concern ourselves with who we allow to be the next --- or current --- dictator.



                      Our values are very different, samhil, that is for sure .First, we have to realize how wildy cultures vary. I'm sure jolly old England didn't foresee what their children are faced with:


                      Islamic jihadists degrade infidels, and target them to become sexual slaves. It is ther moral duty to so so. And as soon as there are sufficient numbers of Islamic immigrants accepted into Britian, jihad **** will be legally acceptable, because Sharia Law will be voted in bya majority Islamic population.

                      The culture of Islamist jhadist ****.

                      It's so much nicer to pretend jihad **** isn't happening, isn't it. Well, have a beer. Drink lots. Alcohol won't be a politiclaly correct drink in the future. Pars


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