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    I will support the paper being ass wipe comment cotton. Sorry ag boy.


      RKaiser , reread cotton's post I don't think he was agreeing with you.

      Your comment that you don't like looking things up because you "feel" you know the answer. Yup no truer words written.

      Also just because someone told you there was no inflation pre 1974 doesn't mean it is true. There were plenty of periods of inflation.

      I think you would believe in the Easter Bunny if some whack job posted a video on youtube about it.


        Hmmm. LEP raises his head does he? Thanks for reading Mister LEP. If you read both posts you might see that I was more or less agreeing with cotton and not the other way around. I realise how difficult it is for those of you who "feel" you know what is going on to deal with my posts.

        Can't make that Kaiser guy into a lefty nor can you make him into a righty. Tough stuff hey LEP. Best thing to do in that case is attack the person hey...LOL

        You are so busy trying to do just that that you don't even read my posts any more --- obviously. Inflation would happen should the federal and provincial governments misuse the BOC once we have renewed it's constitutional position. Take another look buddy, that is pretty much what I said and one of the ways that I did not "totally" agree with cotton.

        Which side are you on LEP? Kaiser is a know it all like vlakk insists, or Kaiser is a loonie who wears a tin hat?

        I know you still want to call me out as a bad guy for telling the banks and FCC to go to hell so I will update you as to my current "reality TV" state of affairs.

        FCC pushed the foreclosure button and would not allow me time to sell my place on my own. This got them every cent plus interest and lawyers fees that they were owed. Whoop whoop. The forced sale value netted little for my other creditors so I had to sell my cattle, my equipment and pretty much all of my assets other than my jeans and t shirt to back them off. Could have chosen the chicken shit bankruptcy route and thank your ALMIGHTY government but chose to become assetless instead. Still got a bit to pay and hope to get that done with my next big deal. LOL

        Still working every day with foreign investors and have time on my hands these days to play around with the adults like yourself on agriville who "feel" they have everything figured out.

        Bring on your judgement LEP. I do not know anything about your business and as I have said in the past, I am sure you must be a king in your community.

        All the best to you and yours.


          Well, with all due respect. As someone who stares at insolvency almost every year, I can testify that it does make you a little eccentric.


            I guess I will restate my point. Cotton was blowing your idea out of the water of a peoples bank and you were more or less agreeing with him??????

            I have no idea where the left wing, right wing comment came from. Maybe the last time warp you were in.

            In general, why I respond to your comments is because you write post after post about how you have it figured out, but have complete fabrications to support your theory.

            You have repeatedly stated that there was no inflation before 1974. Just look up the CPI historic data. From 1914 to 1924 prices increased 49%. Sounds like no inflation to me.

            I don't claim to be smarter than you, I just know bullshit when I hear it.


              Foreign investors, usually do there homework. That is why they are investors. If what you say in the paragraph above is true, good luck with your foreign investors.


                Repeatedly stated no inflation LEP?

                Come on little buddy - who's telling stories now?

                Nothing to back up my opinions hay. Like what ? Facts.... LOL

                There are no facts Mr. LEP just stories and holograms that we each call reality.

                Yours just happens to be a fair bit different than mine and thus your continued need to judge and call names.

                Calm down - all is good - all ways. You will be fine and so will I. Hugz


                  Maybe this one will lighten you up LEP... I assume you are from Saskatchewan...

                  Three hookers were talking. The first one said "I had a Fireman last night". Asked how she knew he was a fireman, she replied "I saw his badge."

                  The second hooker said "Well I had a policeman". Asked how she knew he was a policeman. She replied "I saw his gun."

                  The third hooker then joined in and said "Well I had a farmer from Saskatchewan last night". The other two asked "How do you know he was a farmer"?

                  The third hooker replied "First he said it cost too much; then he said that it was too dry; then he said it was too wet; and when we were through he asked if I had any free hats!!"



                    Since you asked for Assistance...

                    None of us get out of this alive... so;

                    We can encourage those folks like Warren and Bill/Malinda Gates... to continue what great work they are doing. Shucks I just heard the principal in google just spent $75M expanding the non-insured hospital in SanFransisco... so down and out people can get better health care.

                    Best policy is that we ourselves take responsibility... and do these same type of things... donate to the many charities that work with government programs for our seniors and those in need in our health care system.

                    While our present system is far from perfect... never before... have so many... been looked after so well... in the history of Humanity!

                    Now there is an obvious guide... to judge the value... of our present system... warts and all!

                    Have a great day... and try to help someone today that will appreciate your good will and generosity!



                      Sounds good Tom.. If we dig deep enough we can find the good in everything - other than maybe suppression.

                      Have a wonderful Sunday everyone.



                        This is a video about Howard Buffett son of Warren and how he helps farmers in other countries. Warren does not see what Gates and his father Warren (high tech Agriculture) are doing as a solution.

                        Good posts


                          Wow... Not going to get into what I think of Bill Gates today, but this Howard dude.... Thumbs up. Thanks Integrity guy


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