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How stupid are Canadian Farmers

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    We don't buy peas yet but may be in the future. Will let you know.


      In the fall wheat was 6.75 locally and urea was 500/tonne picked up in spring.

      64bu/tonne of fert in USD


        translation for dave too many other guys buy peas so its not like canary seed where a couple buyers just pick a number for what they want to pay.


          bgmb, you must live in a wonderful world...

          6.75 wheat? locally?

          Must be S. Manitoba where elevators are forced to compete with the US prices... Only wheat that was remotely north of 6 bucks was the stuff that was pre-contracted a year ago.


            No, we don't have an asset to use for the pea market. Crawl back under your rock.


              Klause, you should look into doing producer cars to churchill from where you are.


                What is usd1045 fob work back to dave?
                Little short are u?


                  where are yo finding wheat at 6.33 a bu USD? must be a long ways south of the line?


                    that price was in an offer email from an American broker... going to southern Montana.


                      ok, just looking at some cash bids in north dakota and they are more like 5.25-5.50 for 14 pro. If those posed bids are like what the line companies send out here they dont mean much though.....

                      Right now here I would be losing money hauling wheat to the US. Wheat prices are basically the same locally as they are just over the line which is quite a haul for me.


                        Lweber, Any idea whar #2 13.5 wheat is offered at fob thunder bay for june?


                          from what I can find it is about 325/mt CDN $


                            Since you brought it up Dave...what are you using for processing margins today?


                              To the original question my answer would be......pretty......stupid.

                              And depending on how your feeling it's either a complement or reality.


                                You cant sell USD $750 today Vancouver Larry. What the **** are you talking about?

                                USD $850 destination is almost impossible to sel. You are getting rusty.


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