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    I'd like to see you explain what you meant with your comments in your post at the end of the UPOV 91 thread. Don't want it to be lost in the list of old threads no-one views.

    "Adoption of the UPOV 91 treaty has allowed most of our international competitors to develop programs to be world class with non of the fear and end of world farmer peasant scenariors that you see playing out"

    I would also like to know why when the vast majority of farmers don't want anything to do with it and ultimately we will be paying for it .Yet our opinion counts for nothing or told we are "whining" We definitely need a new approach to this type of shit getting shoved down our throats . Maybe a real wheat and barley Commision and a real canola council that looks after farmers interests , with our check off money , I might add


      IMHO its just the usual gobbled-gook government speak mouthed by lackeys who are okay with the policies followed by the Harper government.

      Adoption of the UPOV 91 treaty will be one more nail in the coffin of Canadian agriculture and our peons will have to accept even more control of the industry by corporations who feed off the primary producers.


        Caseih, the Canola Council represents industry. It's the Canola Growers that represents farmers.


          I would be happier if it happened


            Good point Braveheart because this Gov't doesn't see farmers as part of the industry but rather a "supplier to the industry"


              agreed braveheart , but isn't the one that you said represents industry is the one that our check off dollars fund ? that is the point I was trying to make , just asking ?


                Your check off dollars go to the Canola Growers, at least here in MB.

                A few years ago they got real goofy spending a lot if resources on getting canola under the CWB. There was a check off revolt and they backed off.

                All these commissions are usually just another tax drawn on already challenged farm margins. Ask for money back if it makes you feel better.


                  Your provincial organizations do help fund the Canola Council as members, so, farmers do in fact contribute. But your check off dollars are collected provincially.


                    Other than Gust,how many on here have sat or are sitting on boards or commission chairs?
                    Often on here it's same questions and answers from same people.
                    I'll start. For me None. But I go to beyond farm gate meetings to try and learn.


                      we all know how it will play out.

                      the Canola example is there before our eyes. (how stupid do they think we are)

                      Not that i think we can do anything about it, but stop feeding us the BS.

                      just take what happened to canola and apply it to every crop.
                      and no ,it will not happen over nite.

                      but look at canola

                      no public research breeding

                      no open free varieties.
                      or 50 years old ones.

                      effectively no patent expiration's
                      ( with all the contractual provisions in seed purchases)

                      collusion , or fixing, or old boys
                      club pricing of every variety.

                      eg. it is not like an older var.
                      will sell for like 3-4-5-6$/lb.

                      no choices on seed treatment packages.
                      (you have to buy whatever snake oil treatment is on the seed, at whatever cost)

                      and like canola breeding ,the big seed co.s can afford to suck away all the
                      talent from the public and producer breeders.
                      (those entities may survive a few years)
                      ( when you know you will have a monopoly in the end, and some one will end up paying for it.)

                      eg.look at cereal fungus research, Harper is already itching to hand that over.

                      take the years and money put into public Varieties by producers and govt.

                      these private outfits use these variates , (with no compensation to farmers and public) that got them this far. (strange)

                      basically a huge gift, which they can lock down, receive royalties on and eventually
                      control the market.

                      and the saddest part is they will control, every seed we could possibly plant.

                      i mean All. not just canola

                      Now how scary is that?


                        I guess I just wonder why we couldn't have a check off to fund an organization solely for the benifits of farmers ? they could address markets , inputs , transportation and look after the farming industry in general . instead of having people on boards making decisions we could hire the high price help necessary same as grain or seed co's do . I have served on boards and it is easy to get caught up in the rhetoric and give into peer pressure. but lawyers , consultants, accountants and grain traders could get past the bs in all of these issues and do what's right for us if they were working for us . this is a huge multi billion dollar industry that doesn't have a voice ??


                          If I didnt already have mine bought I would be in. Sf3 needs to put his money where his mouth is now.



                            I don't know why you are sourcing fertilizer from various countries.

                            On a thread started by Lex on Dec 9 titled Urea. You stated twice you were quoted urea at $490/tonne locally. Now you are going through all this work and uncertainly to save maybe $20.00 a tonne

                            History has proven 9 out of the last 10 years booking fertilizer in the fall is always best. If farm storage is not available you may have to negotiate with dealers but there are options that can be worked out.

                            Good luck with non North American fertilizer purchases.


                              Experience has been too much populist support for, as you say, solely for benefit of farmers. Too
                              often, the fight has been for a larger piece of the pie rather than growing a larger pie.
                              Know it is a different philosophy and not the populist one but that is the way I see it.


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