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    The NFU needs to say WTF we need a makeover. The cons and libs saw in sask the only way to destroy Roy was to create a new like minded organization , new name, new vision, and Boom the NDPS were wiped off the face of Sask.
    Learn from history boys.


      I have and do sit on boards. Again have to call out Sask.3. Getting 40 bus 30 years ago was a very rare thing which included horrible weed control and many other issues. Never mind it would grow literally 6-7 ft high. How would those varieties stand up to current conditions included disease pressure. If people on here believe canola is such a shitty crop why has it put more money in farmers pockets in the last 10 years then any other major crop( outside of some specialty crops) it's the number one crop now and sure it's expensive and I would agree the last 5 years we have seen seed prices go up with not as much benefit but man we have short memories from where canola used to be.
      As for wheat this model is way different from canola and really can't be compared. First of all there are public varieties and public breeding. That will not go away no matter what people try to claim. Farmers will always have that choice.
      If a private company doesn't add value then don't buy it. Who is forcing you. As for buying certified every year like canola this is logically impossible. You would need 5% of all cereal acres going to seed production.
      Lastly why should a private company spent $100million so you can buy seed once and take the technology for ever.
      And yes hybrid wheat and barley are about 0 years away. That will be interesting


        Meant 10 years


          I don't think the NFU will be taken seriously anytime soon. Their NDP connection and all the weird causes such as Idle No More and their anti-GMO "March against Monsanto" activism does not support western farmers.
          SF3 is likely right they need to blow up the group and do a restart without all the loons.

          Some credible farm groups such as APAS and KAP have voiced concern regarding end point royalties on cereals which I agree with.


            Agree the us versus them mindset was, and still is, very much a part of farmer thinking.
            Politicians at all levels tend to encourage it in belief it will earn them votes.
            Have seen too much small minded thinking in farm organizations, cattle versus grain (remember Crow debate), wheat versus other crops, etc.
            Sometimes protection for one crop meant harm to another.
            Gets more pronounced as we move up the value chain and start thinking that more regulation on others will be better for us.
            Biggest beef with NFU is union idea that if we limit production, all farmers will be better off.
            Guess opposition goes back to Adam Smith and support for free market philosophy.


              Some strange criticism of the NFU.
              From SF3 - "they need to say WTF we need a makeover" Why? when the work they are putting out like on Bill C18 is so on point, as it was in previous issues why the need for a "makeover"? I always think a makeover is a superficial thing, window dressing to make you appear something you are not - why would the NFU need to do that? As I said if you think the content needs changes get in there and change it but don't suggest frivolous window dressing in an attempt to fool people - not sure who you want to fool - your fellow farmers who aren't currently members?

              Same with Oliver88, "they have to start over without the loons" as long as you see it as a "they" organization rather than an "us" organization it will not achieve the aims you want. If you want to change it get involved. Sitting sniping on the sidelines gets us nowhere.

              Then Hopalong whose main beef with the NFU is it advocates limiting production - really?? maybe you could show me where their policies reflecting that are? The only place I've read such ideas were on Agriville usually coming from SF3 who we all know is the least likely person ever to follow such a policy.

              I'm inclined to agree with Klause that it is very hard to get Western Cdn farmers to work together. It was the same to an extent in Europe but people there are generally more political. The one place I've seen a measurable difference is in New Zealand where despite their independent "can -do " attitude they work together on collective marketing schemes for sheep and beef. Perhaps we could learn some lessons by studying them? Tying in such marketing cooperation, political power of working together and accessing inputs the way Klause is advocating could put farmers in a much stronger position. If only we would organize.


                In Desliel watching hockey so responses will be slim. Flooding now
                Re number of farm groups against C-18

                Number for


                Both umbrella groups. I would say represent every farmer in Canada

                I can only speak for the Wheat Growers. Watch the Western producer for our opinion piece


                  Could be wrong but thought support for supply management marketing boards was NFU policy.


                    Oh I hate to bring this up. The prairie pools, UGG, a revamped _ _ _, 360º back to where our forefathers started. Too socialist for most. Unfettered capitalism has worked well up and down the Ag Industry chain. Everyone individually exercise your power... the whole "could" have been greater than the sum of all its parts.

                    Seems to me industry consolidation has worked for most other parts of the industry. 2 non-competing
                    RRs, afew multinational GrainCos, consolidated machinery dealerships that eliminated same brand competition, 3-4 major ChemCos, FertCos....monopoly, duopoly, collusion, gouging. The only competition in this ****ed up system is us competing for imaginary shortages, substandard service, paying world prices for domestic products manufactured on our doorsteps and in our back yards. What ever the market will bear boys, what ever the market will bear....

                    Enter individual victories.....


                      It has been and always will be whatever the market will bear Farmaholic, co-ops or not.

                      Grassfarmer, I agree the NFU shouldn't change. Then they will continue to be marginalized as the union supporting, backwards looking group that marches with butterfly costumed anarchists at anti globalization gatherings always looking for the corporate villain, rather than offering the constructive solution.


                        Take the rose-colored glasses off Braveheart everyone knows its you. Or are they the international sign of a blind man?

                        Ok let me have it, I got my bulletproof vest on. But remember I am unarmed when it comes to a battle of wits. Oh shit, I just shot myself in the foot. I surrender, white flag society....


                          Not really interested Farmaholic. I just like to lob in the odd hand grenade, frag a few Agri-Lefties, and keep watching the MB prov curling finals while the Big Hairy Woodpecker devours suet outside the window.


                            I think psychiatrists should start using farming to replace the Rorschach test. We all see different things.


                              Enjoy the "Ice Chess", you feces stirrer.

                              Gotta go, family supper....


                                All the "Parasites" better confer and realize that the total of all their "taxing" relationships with the "Host" have a symbiotic affect on the Host. Their survival depends on it...

                                Host survival is even close to just "out smarting" or "staying one step ahead" of them...

                                Upov91 rules can take even more out of an already tight profit margin. Good grief...


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