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    Will it? Really? I'm growing some bearded wheat, bought so long ago Indiana Jones might have to dig up the variety name. Last year, great yields. Nothing new variety wise was better. No one is forcing me to replace it, or pay royalties.

    If we make the choice to grow a variety someone developed I accept I should pay for that technology. Is that UPOV91? I just assumed that's how business worked.


      Braveheart, you will probably have to start paying royalties on that old variety once UPOV 91 comes in.


        I guess that's what we'll be left with, ancient varieties, when all the modern ones are deregistered.


          Doubt it. No way to prove what it is. I think the breeder died.


            I guess that's what we'll be left with, ancient varieties, when all the modern ones are deregistered.


              do you not have to sign a variety declaration when you deliver it? That will be where they get you.


                Why wouldnt we farmers pay the royalties into a coop and then we would own the varieties.


                  It certainly is nonsense you like to toss in Braveheart. Rather than offering no constructive suggestions as you say the NFU is the only group that came up with an alternative to the proposed changes to UPOV-91.
                  Check it out at:
                  Easy to derail the direction of a thread with cheap shots but if it results in the status quo how successful is that for farmers of today and tomorrow?
                  And I'm still waiting for Gustdg to explain the nonsense he posted that I started this thread with.


                    All I'm getting at is we're paying 55 a acre for seed that gives us in the canola dome about 10 more.
                    You need 6 at 9 to pay the extra seed costs you get 4 for your hard work. Nice system they get 55 you get 4 magic isn't it.
                    On the NFU I meant it needs to reinvent it self.
                    Sticking with what their doing won't get support in the form they are using.


                      My response to the Seed Act will come from the farm groups I belong to. I trust the Wheat Growers and KAP to represent me.



                        Bank of Canada has just dropped rate to .75% and expected to drop it to .50%. Not saying interest rates will never go up again but 9%!!!!

                        You mention about each fall the price increases from the previous year. This is not the case with respect to a 10 year time period like I had mentioned.

                        Like I said, for the risk and uncertainly your plying with to save maybe $20.00 on urea makes no sense other than you trying to play catch up.


                          10 years ago Urea was under 400 a tonne whole-year average...

                          How are we playing catch up?

                          We have liquid booked... Our spring seeding needs are covered.

                          We need product to top dress with. that's 60% of our N use per year... Either urea & melt it or float it, or liquid and dribble it.

                          28,00 is on allocation locally. Has been since November pretty much.

                          If you'd rather keep paying more and more every year go right ahead.


                            we deserve whatever they do to us.
                            the way this debate is going here.

                            even though 80% on here agree this
                            bill is a worrisome sign , worse,or a lot worse.

                            we can not unite in opposition,
                            because the nfu said it first.

                            if a Conservative said something that
                            made sense to me, (i know it does not happen too often)
                            i will still get behind it.
                            if the NDP or nfu said something
                            stupid, it is still stupid.

                            apparently we need to get beat down a little more before we are willing to put our differences aside and tackle issues together.

                            most of us are too busy farming to
                            pay attention, and learn the ins and outs
                            of all this stuff.

                            i think we better start.

                            How many BS bill of goods like this one ,have we been sold thru the years .

                            My favorite one

                            get rid of the crow rate
                            Pay em full compensatory rates
                            and the RRs will haul all your grain,
                            no problem no delays .


                              Nonsense? How about then NFU President Nettie Wiebe marching down a street in Seattle (1999 WTO) surrounded by butterflies, turtles, and peasants. Anti GMO/anti globalization demos are one thing, but someone in this group threw a brick through a McDonalds window. Some things just can't be overlooked.

                              Does that sound like a farm leader Ottawa politicians want to listen to?

                              How about when a Prince Albert visit by Ag Minister Lyle Vanclief turned ugly when a ranking NFU member said, "No wonder your son killed himself with a father like you". Is that nonsense? Or just completely ****ed up? And yes, it happened.


                                Who gives a shit about the NFU, leave the politics out of it. Bottom line is this legislation, UPOV 91 is negative for growers and positive for seed companies.

                                Why any farmer who is not a seed grower would support it is beyond me. I'm not blaming seed growers or trying to run them down but bottom line is there are winners and losers.


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