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    Leave the politics out if you like bomb but then its just a meaningless conversation. This is a political issue because it is based on legislation being introduced and the only way to fight that is through political opposition. From start to finish the NFU is the only organization who has fought for the farmers interest in this case. I'm proud of that stance but wish more of you had got on board with the NFU to fight this. Too late now the battle is lost. Maybe in future if a lesson is learnt here partisan politics can be set aside to further farmers common interests?


      Bottom line is bgmb that the Canadian taxpayers won't fund variety finishing anymore.

      Sure they will finish what's in the pipeline it let's say that in 5 years that source will be over. These varieties will have farmer and govt money in them. Some farmer will buy the certified seed, then sell to their neighbourroyalty free (brown bag) and the
      Value capture opportunity will be list on the progeny of that seed.

      Right now the govt puts in about 20million a year to get back 5 million in royalties.
      They have signalled that's over.
      All varieties after 18 years revert to the crown.

      if Braveheart or anyone wants to continue sowing very old varieties because they've found a nieche or a variety that they a re happy with. All is good.they can even sell seed amongst themselves.

      If they want to sell that by variety name before it's been against the law for 35 years. Now this will be more clear.


        I'm worried about $60 /ac seed wheat someday as well. But......
        The NFU we all know is it's own worst enemy.
        And as fully 1/3 to 1/2 the acres around here are canola every year, and yes I was swathing canola before Gust had hair on his balls, I will call Bullshit to SF3!
        We definitely did not bank on canola over 30 let alone consistent 40. Acres were less than 1/3.
        Disease pressure alone would wipe us out today and now we have club root on top. Like it or not this is where we find ourselves today with canola!
        So in the future speak only for yourself and your area when you say you want to plant a 30 year old canola variety!
        If we don't want made in Canada varieties that might be fine too as we're growing less acres every year of "The Worlds Best Wheat".
        Also, I really wonder what difference it'll make in 100 years anyway.


          What I disagree with the NFU on is de-registration.

          I will be and have been advocating that a variety once registered should be very hard to de-register.
          That way if you want to grow a royalty free variety and don't intend to sell it for seed you should maintain that right.

          Although we do have some higher yielding very popular varieties that our customers are not happy about the gluten strength. They are discounting Canadian wheat because of this characteristic.
          Elevators cannot, not buy it as it is a registered variety in the CWHRS class.


            That should say agree with the NFU on de registration

            MY iPad autocorrected me because that's not something I would orally say.


              Yet all your organizations statements give blanket acceptance and praise for the entire Bill C-18. Not much use making a little feeble protest on the internet after you've already told them you are happy with and welcome their Bill. This is why Government likes splintered commodity groups - they can run rings around you knowing you have the teeth of a hen.


                . After losing so many battles might you consider a change of strategy?


                  A whole lot of cutting one's nose off ...just to spite their own faces.....


                    Grassfarmer. From my experience complaining on the internet is useless in influencing govt. if you want influence do some research, get involved, go to some meetings.

                    The only reason I stay here is to test ideas, let people know a bit of what's going on.

                    From what I've read on here your a cattle guy. You get all your information from the NFU. It's not up to me to inform you, if you won't listen


                      you now admit public breeding is done.
                      that was not the story a while ago.

                      so we can all stop pretending there will
                      be any public breeding left after this.
                      ( you hear that Tom)

                      as usual the narrow minded ,short sighted.
                      Conservative plan is to hand the whole thing over to the private sector.

                      (just like the RRs)
                      (just like canola seed)
                      ( just like chemical import rules)
                      etc. etc.etc.

                      apparently that is all Harper knows how to do..

                      . and if , if , it was to create a free innovative market
                      , where any one could play, with built in rules
                      against , monopoly's, predatory pricing, and price fixing.
                      (all the bad stuff)

                      I could get behind it.

                      but no , time after time ,
                      the big co.s write the law.
                      hand it to Harper to pass.

                      How many on here would think unions should be able to write union legislation? hand to gov. to pass

                      so what do you end up when that happens?
                      Just look around.

                      Ag chem industry ,basically gets to regulate itself.

                      lots of protection and market control for them selves.
                      none for consumers.(that would be us)

                      How about 1 , just 1 piece of consumer protection in this bill.

                      your not gonna find one..

                      How about this one. for starters

                      make it illegal for seed co.s to have seed purchase contracts, which bar producers from using the seed freely when patent runs out.

                      it is pretty obvious that ,
                      the only way the market would pay 18$/lb. for canola seed now.
                      is because of restricted access to off patent seeds.

                      the people of this country have protected their property with our laws for 15-18 years.

                      only to never have public access to it. something wrong here.

                      How long do we pay a royalty
                      to Edison for the light bulb.
                      or the happy birthday song ,
                      or the wheel.

                      at this rate , innovation never
                      becomes public domain.
                      WHICH MEANS IN THE END .
                      you really don't have invent anything new , at all.

                      just charge forever and as much as you want, for the same old crap,

                      sounds like corporate fascism, to me.


                        I see no benefit to new regs unless they are mandated to improve existing disease and quality characteristics. The oversite of this should be in farmers hands not government and certainly not industry. The current group would not give us that, boot them and get promises from newbies.



                          In cereals public has always done the breeding. Farmers have put in about 20% of the money needed depending how accounting is done.

                          If you want a farmer run program start writing cheques as the public isn't in that business when these lines are done.
                          Let's say $20million a year to maintain status quo.
                          (I made up the number, but I'll bet its close)

                          As a farmer I could go for that if there was a business case. For there to be a business case we need property rights and a value capture model.

                          All the while there will be businesses competing for your business. If farmers don't support the farmer model or if they produce inferior varieties they will fail.
                          In either case we will need strong programs working to gain your business, so that we can stay competitive internationally.

                          I live in Saskatchewan we had unions writing govt policy for most of the last 100 years. Just recently we threw off the yolk and are slowly gaining prosperity.


                            I always thought Government was there for making the rules and enforcing them.

                            Not to be rewritten by suggestions by industry and allow these guys to self regulate.

                            Off topic but self regulating industry is a recipe for disaster and those have happened. Like in Quebec. Like the flax issue. Like Syngenta corn etc.


                              Gustgd I agree with you on supporting the type of breeding you want. However I think it should be both ways if one wants to support private they write a check to them. If another wants public they write a check.

                              But like, I think it was you, said before if we all asked for our voluntary check offs back, so we can all support who we want, this gov't would just make it a mandatory check off so they could support who they want.


                                Gustgd, I wasn't looking for information from you I was looking for an explanation of the nonsensical quote you made that I started this thread with.


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