Sitting here reading all the posts and banter, back and forth, has me thinking, more and more, Farmers need a spokesman for them.
We need to do like Europe, pig prices down bring in 50 and let them go in govt offices. Or spray shit from a slurry tank on Ag offices.
The city are so far removed from primary production it's not even funny.
Our politicians have no clue what's going on and neither do their advisors. Yes men from the rural, live in a fantasy world.
Farming has always been one of the worlds oldest professions.
Hookers have more power than us in some places.
But throughout history it's us against them.
Us farmers are good at growing a crop we have passion for that. We love the great outdoors, and all the freedom it offers. We sit back with the attitude others will look after our well being and make sure we get a fair shake.
We even have bull shit organizations that are suppose to represent us, but because no one really cares they collect fees and say industry is doing a great job. Farmers adapt.
Yesterday the idiot from Cp said grain prices went up 166 percent why wasn't all groups in the media calling bull shit on this asshole. No they sit back because we don't want to ruffle feathers.
The new seed act not even a wimper.
The rail problems last winter it's not on my line so just complainers.
It goes in and on and on.
Farmers wake up no one is working for you. Not one organization. Not one politician, no one.
Ah farming nothing changed since time began.
We need to do like Europe, pig prices down bring in 50 and let them go in govt offices. Or spray shit from a slurry tank on Ag offices.
The city are so far removed from primary production it's not even funny.
Our politicians have no clue what's going on and neither do their advisors. Yes men from the rural, live in a fantasy world.
Farming has always been one of the worlds oldest professions.
Hookers have more power than us in some places.
But throughout history it's us against them.
Us farmers are good at growing a crop we have passion for that. We love the great outdoors, and all the freedom it offers. We sit back with the attitude others will look after our well being and make sure we get a fair shake.
We even have bull shit organizations that are suppose to represent us, but because no one really cares they collect fees and say industry is doing a great job. Farmers adapt.
Yesterday the idiot from Cp said grain prices went up 166 percent why wasn't all groups in the media calling bull shit on this asshole. No they sit back because we don't want to ruffle feathers.
The new seed act not even a wimper.
The rail problems last winter it's not on my line so just complainers.
It goes in and on and on.
Farmers wake up no one is working for you. Not one organization. Not one politician, no one.
Ah farming nothing changed since time began.