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Reality spring 2015.

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    Reality spring 2015.

    Funny how sad farming really is. We risk it all so games can be played on all ends of our system.
    Railway strikes that cut off sales, low dollar that increases our cost but gives us the same take home as usa farmers but we're paid in Canadian, then expected to purchase seed fert chem based on a USD.
    Reality is we're all seeding in 77 to 89 days. Some have seed but it's poor or seed certified that's also not that great. Seed peas which are so short this year seed will be unbelievably high. But no fert if you can't get any.
    Fertilizer is such a sick game! No rhyme or reason just a man made shortage. And yes their is a shortage since no dealer was allowed to pre buy or basically the price was so high in pre buy no one did.
    Kind of funny hold a gun to dealer head with high unbelievable price so dealer stays away then come later in year with a pre buy but no product or limited then as the rolling stone gathers momentum no product can get out in time to fill sheds and we have a man made shortage.
    Then their is railways with their shit show on movement all last year blame the weather then have the nicest January on record out west and they still can't keep up.
    Then geniuses who say grow more to get out of this problem.
    Farmers build more bins please from grain companies and experts so we can store their product for free. Nice system where the farmer pays for grain company storage.
    Yea like hat will work in the shit show we call agriculture in Canada.
    Next their will come shortages of spray, insecticides and fungicides.
    It never ends every day you open the news and one more story about ag and it's not a positive.
    Land values are holding and that's a good point but when we let foreign. Ownership take control of the land that creates other issues.
    Farming ah it's fun?
    Yield will be down.

    We will be the only exporting country on earth to store grain for up to 3 years in steel storage. At the farmers expense.


      but just when you think no one is listening , you see a good article:


      and we must remember its not acceptable to bring stuff up like this in mainstream media


        Just have an auction sale already! OMFG!


          seeding in 77 days so you must have about 60 days left to spend on the beach then hey.


            Can I go skiing? Local and with family.


              I mean sask can go where ever. So does everyone hold the sofa down or what????? Seriously he has good points and statements.


                All from the comfort of his tiki hut. Times are tough


                  In all fairness, SF3 writes it as he lives it, and I feel his observations are spot on most of the time. So, do some of you suffer envy anxiety because he is pretty successful? I for one never disliked someone because they were doing well. If anything, maybe we can learn from what they did right. Some work hard. Some work smart. And a very few work hard and smart. I hope he enjoys his vacation and many more to come. Earned it, imo.


                    I don't dislike him because he farms well I just find his whining endless - every day it's "poor me". If you don't like it get out - you are not the only one facing challenges and your constant negativity just depresses people. Wonder how the new farm organization he is establishing is coming on? Probably similar to the atmosphere in his holiday destinations - just hot air.


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