Open rights legislation would have been the smarter play here.
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So to some, it seems the answer is the socialist/communist policy of forcing companies to perform?
Do we think as farmers, that suddenly we are going to be top of the list?
Again I must ask: Why are we growing stuff that ensures reliance on rail companies, government policy, and grain companies?
Bottom line: Is expecting a conservative government to enact communist policy normal?
But no. We must farm uncle Herberts land at whatever cost, so we can make it produce, cuz uncle Herbert has only been getting 30 bushel wheat, which is wasteful. We must take it over, at 80 bucks an acre, before John down the road gets his hands on it, so we can grow 70 bushel wheat with all the inputs in the world. And by gum, the railways must cater to us because of it, because they have to, they just do.
We need more uncle Herberts, IMO. And we need to make some changes ourselves.
Remember that old definition of idiot?
Doing the same thing, over and over, and expecting the same results...
Yup, let us all vote Trudeau or Mulcair. That MUST be the answer, huh?
Yes, I am sick and tired of this. Yes I think the railways and grain companies suck. But I am not expecting socialist principles to save the day. I am changing how I farm, to bi-pass this farce.
It is up to me, not them, to make my farm prosper. There are options.
End of rant for the day.
So then why legislate the workers back for Montreal commuters.
I get what you are saying and really can't argue your logic.
If the government is doing this for Montreal commuters then they should also do it for grain movement as well. And just as quickly.
Otherwise they should sit on there hands like they have for western farmers.
Let people in Montreal be inconvenienced for a while as well.
This isn't socialist thinking.
But the management of the railways have adapted a monopolistic way of business - essentially take it or leave it.
They have ****ed this country so bad of the last decades most don't understand it.
Reduced track capacity to bottleneck exports greatly affect a country's economy.
Pushed freight onto the public highway system at an astronomical cost for now and well into the future.
By doing the above they also created a bigger problem with exhausts and the environment. Also affects the economy.
I think some are starting to see the dots connecting.
I get that, for sure. My theory is that a million commuters, vs. 75 000 farmers, is the trouble. It is not only about votes, but a critical mass of people. Montreal never votes conservative anyway. Harper could be handing out cash to each montrealer on a street corner, and still not get votes.
Our raw share of gdp is tiny. Yes, the spinoffs are enormous and very impactual on our economy, but our raw materials are small potatoes, unfortunately. The economy of Montreal, like it or not, is huge I imagine as well....
If the farm groups had half a brain they won have sided with the unions on this one.
Being on the right side of an issue males strange bed fellows.
Grain won't move faster with this agreement you dumb asses.
You have to side with the group that will provide the best benefits to farmers interests.
Siding with the railways won't help farmers this round.
Wasn't last year's OIC really only was for grain producers benefit. This years action is to circumvent widespread national economic loses. Nothing suspect to me... that they acted sooner.
Then I guess they should have issued the OIC in October 2013 when they knew the RRs were behind?
And leaving 50000 farmers grain sitting made no economic losses?
And add in the fact the RRs are missing the reduced target of 650000 tonnes by 100000 tonnes.
In fact they are moving less than last year.
Move along nothing to see here. Back to the tin foil wrap.
MB grower.
whoop de do, this same govt.sat on it's ass all last winter, and monitored.
. you guys that are so worried about a socialist solution.
the way the Mississippi is managed
is kinda socialist. maintained by the govt . ( truly horrible)
if they can do that, i think it is OK for conservative's here to actually do something.
you do not even have to call it socialist.
what ever it is just fix it.
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