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Off Topic Re-Fracking Oil Wells

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    Geeze grass I'd like to know what oil co was doing that. That's bloody wrong and illegal but do you think it's more to do with the contractor not able to keep up and instead of bringing in another truck just thought he could dump her on the sly to catch up? One time we were selling water to some rigs and we got a call from the fluid hauler apologizing that her driver had taken water from a neighbours slough instead because he was too lazy to walk 50 feet. Shit like this goes on it's human nature to be lazy.


      I would assume a contractor or sub-contractor but shouldn't they be answerable to the company running the drilling rig? As you say it's human nature - but when you are dealing with dangerous stuff like this you need regulation and you need enforcement.

      In the Daunheimer case she complained about an illegal pipe dump and the AER issued a compliance notice to the company. The company confirmed later to the AER that they had dealt with it and it was all cleared up. AER never checked but there had never even been anyone visit the site let alone tidy it up. It took another complaint before it was addressed.

      Under the new expanded role for AER (the oil company funded "Alberta Energy Regulator") Alberta Environment officials are not allowed to set foot on a lease site in AB.
      AER has I believe now also has responsibility for the water portfolio in AB.



        How the heck would I be blackballed in the patch? This site is annonymous... LOL.

        Quit with the conspiracy theories... they are childish.

        That guy who was ordered to dump the fluid... did at any time him or you bring it up with the company man? Don't care what oil company it was - even CNRL would have canned his boss, and the company immediately... Shit like that doesn't happen.

        We can't legally push a tree down anymore or the oil company is fined, and in turn they fire whoever did it. Happened last winter at a Cenovus site.

        The regulation is there, and there is enforcement.

        On that same stroke, let's have on farm enforcement of the use of drugs in cattle... There's lots of abuses there.

        I'm sorry, but more regulation isn't needed... And I'm also not sure how you figure a ban on fracking will stop this kind of stuff...

        I'm still confused as to what Diana Daunheimer (I'll note, another New Canadian) is suing for...

        In [URL="http://www.ernstversusencana.ca/canadian-diana-daunheimer-awaits-february-7-statement-of-defence-on-fracking-nightmare-by-angle-energy-recently-purchased-by-bellatrix"] This article[/URL] (written by Deutsche Welle, a German Government-owned broadcaster), they ramble on... and on...

        Then they say this:

        <blockquote>have members of a group called Cochrane Area Under Siege, just outside the town of Cochrane, 20 minutes north of Calgary. In response to their complaints, Alberta Health Services compared medical billing records in the Cochrane district with a similar area where fracking is less intense. The results of the study were inconclusive. Dr. Richard Musto, medical officer of health for Alberta Health Services, admits that local health complaints are “biologically plausible” and that further investigation is warranted. He also indicates that further studies would benefit from a more complete disclosure of the content of airborne emissions from southern Alberta’s fracking operations. [Albertans living frac'd with contaminated drinking water are not even able to get the details on the toxic chemicals injected despite endless promises from the "new" regulator and old (ERCB, previously EUB, previously ERCB before that) that chemicals in frac fluids available upon request.]


        Flaring is a waste of gas... but really.

        BTEX's will always be in oil and gas production... because they are components of oil and gas. It's like saying that hormones need to be removed from beef... Well.. guess what... natural beef has hormones BECAUSE THE COWS PRODUCE THEM.

        Tell me, are you still going to campaign about Alberta oil and gas when you're in Manitoba far away from energy resources?


          By the way... My comments regarding oilfield workers were in direct response to calling all of us who pull oil out of the ground "rig pigs".

          You don't see me using derogatory names for the employees of fertilizer companies, now do you?


            Pop pop pop pop POP Pop pop pop......

            Do you want extra butter with that sir?



              "Shit like that doesn't happen" same as "Methanol is never used" eh?

              Diana's case is fairly simple - fracked and flared several sour gas wells on the edge of her property without doing any of the proper notifications etc. Intensity of flaring was such that they should have been evacuated - admitted by oil sector people later. Lost 362,000 litres of diesel invert down one well.
              She only found out when one of her kids got a tumour the rest of the family were getting ill, half her goats aborted and the other animals wouldn't drink the water. Complete cowboy scheister of a company she was up against. Hopefully she wins her case. By the way I'm interested you say she was a new Canadian - sounds just like a regular Canadian to me. Where did she come from?

              Don't know why you chose to post the piece of the story that was in a different area and not relevant - trying to mislead perhaps?

              A simpler story for you to understand is here:


              To show you how the "regulator" works in AB she went initially to them asking if anything had gone wrong during the drilling process only to be assured it hadn't. She knew nothing about oil activity and was totally naive at the time. Much later once she set her life aside to study this topic and learned how to access the tower reports that detailed drilling activity and revealed the 362,000 litre diesel invert loss. The loss had been reported to the "regulator" when it happened so they had blatantly lied to her when she went to them initially. This is the regime we live under in AB. A Government in bed with one sector of industry to the detriment of the health and wellbeing of Alberta citizens and our water and land resources.


                Oh Grass the hypocrisy is palpable, you expect us to believe anything published by The Tyee? They would have the west back living in caves, and eating roots and berries if one followed their Marxist environmental doctrine. I would not insult you by linking to a CAPP website and expect your endorsement. I'd appreciate the same respect in return.

                The Tyee LOL


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